Imagine this situation: you enter your house after a long time with the urgency to go to the bathroom, you go to the bathroom, you open the door and you see, up there, in a corner, a wasp nest the size of a 70-inch television. It happened to a person in Melbourne, Australia.
The nightmarish scene was featured on the Today Show by those who have faced such a creation of nature.
Dale Armelmanager DAP disinfestation, explained how he and his spray crew removed the nest from the property. The specialist described the find as an “alien-like” structure.
Armel also assured that he had never seen anything like it and that it was definitely a record. “It was terrifying and massive. It was amazing”.
The nest would have formed in September 2021 because the house has been left unused throughout the pandemic.
Thousands of wasps are said to have infested the nest creating a dangerous environment for fumigators. “They can be aggressive. I had to ship it for two daysArmel said according to
The video of the meeting was shared on the company’s TikTok, DAPPestControl, which already has more than 200,000 followers and 12.5 million likes. In the account you can see the interview that the local television did with Dale for the incredible work.
killer wasps
In October 2020, scientists in Washington discovered the first nest of so-called killer hornets in the United States and worked to eliminate it.
Workers at the state Department of Agriculture have spent weeks searching, trapping and flossing to attach tracking devices to giant Asian hornets, which can painfully sting people and spit venom, but pose the biggest threat to bees in the world. to pollinate crops.
Washington State Department of Agriculture workers wore protective suits and they worked in the dark illuminated by red lamps sucking up the giant Asian wasps from a tree.
The so-called “killer wasps” (Vespa mandarinia) measure about two inches – they are therefore significantly larger than bees and most wasps – they have large orange heads with huge eyes and a black and yellow striped abdomen.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.