Home World News Valentine’s Day: what to give according to the zodiac sign?

Valentine’s Day: what to give according to the zodiac sign?

Valentine’s Day: what to give according to the zodiac sign?

Valentine’s Day is Valentine’s Day, a day to enjoy the love of two.

Yes. The best thing that can happen to us is to be able to do it to celebrate this February 14 with our companionenjoy some time in his company, e share time and passion together.

But beyond this special date, it’s also nice to have attention or give him a gift Who do we love more? And to get away from the obvious and the usual, what could be better than taking into account the zodiac sign when choosing a gift,

Here, a guide sign by sign to give you ideas and help you decide.

Valentine’s Day: what to give according to the zodiac sign?

ARIES. Fiery and passionate, Aries love seduction, action and adventure. The ideal gift for them is something that invites them to add more adventure and borderline experiences into their lives. And ideally, in this case, it would be an experience that puts your physical energies into play: from paragliding to windsurfing lessons, anything goes.

BULL. Extremely sensual, Taurus love seduction and company. Far from the frenzy, everything that points to the senses and the magic of the moment is what will make them happier. For them, the ideal is a good (and abundant) intimate dinner, a pleasant chat or a day at the spa.

TWINS. At the time of love, Geminis are curious and imaginative. They value freedom very much, and everything new attracts them. Surprising them and inviting them to always experience new and interesting things is the great challenge to face when we are in relationship with them. That’s why a lightning-fast trip, a visit to a place they don’t know or a meal they’ve never tried is the perfect gift.

A lightning trip is a perfect proposition for Gemini.  Photo: Shutterstock

A lightning trip is a perfect proposition for Gemini. Photo: Shutterstock

CANCER. A water sign, Cancers love the tranquility of the home and warm, loving relationships. Sensitive and very romantic, they love relaxed encounters. For them, traditional gifts are best: flowers, chocolates and even an album with photos of the newlyweds will delight them.

LEO. Pure fire and passion, Leos are brilliant and love to be the center of everything and the protagonists of the couple. Therefore, paying attention to them makes them very happy. In this sense, if they are given the book they crave, their favorite perfume or tickets to a show they want to see, it will make them very happy.

Flowers or chocolates are the ideal gift for Cancer romantics.  Photo: Shutterstock

Flowers or chocolates are the ideal gift for Cancer romantics. Photo: Shutterstock

VIRGIN. Little demonstrative and romantic but very faithful and familiar, the natives of Virgo are not great lovers of showy displays of affection, they love a low profile and tranquility. When thinking about a good gift for them, the ideal is to opt for an intimate dinner or something technological.

POUND. Romantic, idealistic but not too faithful, Libras love intelligent talk. They also like luxurious and aesthetic things, and they give each other (and each other) all tastes. Harmony and aesthetics are the best thing that can happen to them in life. The ideal gift? A good garment that he likes, a perfume or some decoration for the house.

SCORPIO. As magnetic as they are intense, Scorpios love deeply. But because of this, they tend to be somewhat controlling, jealous, and possessive in their relationships. They feel a permanent need to be the center of the couple and paying attention to their needs makes them happy. So, a personalized gift, a jewel or a night in a luxury hotel are ideal for them.

SAGITTARIUS. Fiery, seductive and restless: this is how the natives of this fire sign are. They like to have fun with both friends and their partner. Adventure lovers, the best gift for them is a journey together.

CAPRICORN. Possessors of a natural and innate authority, Capricorns also like to be in control in the couple. Ambitious, very organized and hardworking, they are not characterized by being overly demonstrative but have very deep feelings when it comes to love. A day at the spa together or a massage for two will allow you to relax and enjoy something you don’t usually do.

An activity that relaxes you together is the best gift for a Capricorn native.  Photo: Shutterstock

An activity that relaxes you together is the best gift for a Capricorn native. Photo: Shutterstock

ACQUARIUM. Very fun and detached, Aquarians are always looking for original experiences that challenge them on an intellectual level. Everything artistic and creative stimulates them. Giving them language, cooking or painting lessons is ideal for them.

FISH. Emotional, sensitive and very sensual, Pisces cannot imagine life without a partner. Always at the service of others, sometimes they even forget themselves to take care of others. Every little gesture of attention they receive is enough for them. Therefore, it is enough to share an evening watching their favorite movie, a loving chat or preparing their favorite food.

Source: Clarin


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