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What are the salaries in the US Army

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Before learning about US Army personnel salaries, it should be noted that this scale is determined by several factors.

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Rank, time of service, destination, number of family members, job specialty are determinants in the net money received each month.

Nor can it be overlooked that members of the military have Medicare and part of their salary is tax-free.

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In the United States Armed Forces, salaries vary based on years of service Archivo Clarín,

In the United States Armed Forces, salaries vary based on years of service Archivo Clarín,

Having made these clarifications, it is possible to interpret the published data. As published by the AD site, according to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, last October base pay for those in the lowest ranks was $1,217.10 a month.

While. According to information from the As site, after a few months of training, it is possible to level up and improve income.

As for salaries, the same source indicates that enlisted members -which is the intermediate level- with ten years of service can get a salary of US$5,789.

While the officers reach 11,000 dollars with a limit, according to estimates published in October 2022, of 16,974 dollars.

The average salary in the United States

What is the situation in other areas? The As website has published an analysis by the consultancy Go Banking Rates that highlights the differences of some of the US cities with the largest Latino presence and plentiful job supply.

Some examples from 2022

The median income is US$52,497 annually.

Average salaries are approximately $54,501.

Fast food chains are a working option for Latino Foto Shutterstock.

Fast food chains are a working option for Latino Foto Shutterstock.

Salaries for workers with an average qualification are approximately US$96,265.

The median annual income is US$33,999.

An essential point to keep in mind is that the cities that offer the highest salaries also have a high cost of living.

Source: Clarin

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