Home World News The fruit that helps prevent osteoporosis and increases muscle mass

The fruit that helps prevent osteoporosis and increases muscle mass

The fruit that helps prevent osteoporosis and increases muscle mass

there’s a fruit with which people often associate improvement intestinal transitbut its advantages go far beyond: fight osteoporosisa disease in which the bones become brittle, e increases muscle massthe tissues responsible for giving the body functionality and mobility.

Beyond these characteristics that specify the United States National Library of Medicineit’s always worth clarifying that first of all it is A visit to the doctor is essential.

Taking up the line, then, Oklahoma State University research claims that this superfood provides great physical benefits in the body.

The investigation ensures that the plums They can increase concentrations of IGF-1, which is the protein responsible for regulating growth hormone.

This means that properly develops bone and muscle tissue. The study showed that 17% of this protein was increased.

The consumption of prunes has a positive impact on bones.  Shutterstock photos.

The consumption of prunes has a positive impact on bones. Shutterstock photos.

Prunes are rich in them iron and potassiumbut also inside sorbitola carbohydrate that helps keep the intestines empty.

In any case, specialists recommend consuming the right amount of it, for the purpose of avoid flatulence, bloating and other discomforts.

An investigation, the results of which were published in Journal of Medicinal Foodshealthy postmenopausal women participated, in whom the benefits of daily consumption of prunes were observed.

Researchers have found that eating 50 grams of prunes (5-6 units) began to show some improvements in health aspects.

The considered superfood is also used in those diets that try to combat the effects of osteoporosis, thanks to its properties in fiber and antioxidants.

To prevent osteoporosis, this fruit is an ally.}

To prevent osteoporosis, this fruit is an ally.}

But there’s more: I’m a source of C vitamin, for blood vessels; From vitamin K, from calcification of the arteries; and of pectinwhich helps reduce cholesterol.

The benefits of prunes: neutralizes the acidity of the pH

  • Acidosis is a state in which the pH of the blood decreases, something quite negative, as it can affect the organs of the body.
  • Tumors, inflammatory diseases, arthritis or even cancer may appear more frequently.
  • The magnesium and potassium of this fruit will help neutralize the development of these acids and enjoy good health.

Feeling of fullness

  • Prunes can be a snack or breakfast option.
  • They help reduce sugar in the diet lose weightprotecting the organism with its properties.
  • Studies state that in children it induces cause satiety and eat no more food.

check blood sugar

They recommend doing a blood sugar check at different times of the night.  Shutterstock photos.

They recommend doing a blood sugar check at different times of the night. Shutterstock photos.
  • Soluble fibers such as pectin help reduce glucose absorption in food, which it promotes lowering of blood sugar levels and improves the body’s response to insulin, reports the portal.
  • For its part, the sorbitol it contains allows sugar to be absorbed slowly, which is why it provides a better glycemic control.

They fight constipation

  • They provide great benefits for intestinal health thanks to their laxative properties and its richness in fiber.
  • It is recommended to add them first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, to improve and regulate intestinal transit fight constipation.
Prunes have laxative properties and fight constipation.  Shutterstock photos.

Prunes have laxative properties and fight constipation. Shutterstock photos.
  • Plum is rich in ironwhich helps prevent and cure anemia.

Prunes and flaxseed recipe


  • Oatmeal: 2 full tablespoons.
  • Prunes: 5 units.
  • Flax seeds: 1 tsp.
  • Kefir: 1 cup (can be replaced with natural unsweetened yogurt).
  • Cocoa: 1 tsp.
From the seed we extract flaxseed oil, rich in fatty acids of the Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 series.

From the seed we extract flaxseed oil, rich in fatty acids of the Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 series.


  • Put the prunes in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  • In another bowl, mix the cocoa, oats and flax seeds.
  • Add kefir or yogurt and mix well.
  • Drain the plums, cut them into small pieces and put them in the mixture.
  • Keep overnight in the refrigerator and consume the next morning on an empty stomach.
  • Repeat the procedure every day.

Source: Clarin


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