Home World News “She died twice” and proposed to marry her boyfriend before the transplant in case her new heart didn’t love her

“She died twice” and proposed to marry her boyfriend before the transplant in case her new heart didn’t love her

“She died twice” and proposed to marry her boyfriend before the transplant in case her new heart didn’t love her

“She died twice” and proposed to marry her boyfriend before the transplant in case her new heart didn’t love her. Photo: Julian Hamilton/Sunday Mirror

Despite his young age, the history of Brooklyn Peakmana 20 year old footballer, is really impressive. And moving.

First, technically the young man dead within 17 minutes after experiencing a cerebrovascular accident. Then, when the valve operation went wrong, he fell into a coma.

Although her family was told at the time that she was unlikely to recover, Brooklyn overcame adversity, consolidated herself and left her state. However, after that, the doctors told him He needed an immediate heart transplant.

Brooklyn Peakman had a stroke and was technically dead within 17 minutes.  Photo: Julian Hamilton/Sunday Mirror

Brooklyn Peakman had a stroke and was technically dead within 17 minutes. Photo: Julian Hamilton/Sunday Mirror

An exciting love story

the archer He has been dating Ellie Spencer for several years., a young woman who is now 18 years old. In fact, he spent the incarceration that caused the coronavirus pandemic with him and his mother Kelly, published The mirror.

So, in honor of the great love they feel for each other, once she finds out she needs a new heart, she wants to formalize the relationship with her boyfriend. “I told Ellie we’d better get married, in case my new heart doesn’t love her.”counts.

Fortunately, he admitted in dialogue with the medium, his new heart loves him like never before.

I can’t wait to see her walk down the aisle and call her my wife. It’s a day I never thought I would see, ”she said of the future marriage.

Brooklyn with Ellie, stars of a beautiful love story.  Photo: Web

Brooklyn with Ellie, stars of a beautiful love story. Photo: Web

What a problem Brooklyn

The youth, who played for Prestatyn Town, a team from North Wales, born with a heart defect and had two operations the day after coming into the world.

It turns out that the two main blood vessels in his heart are reversed, sending blood in the wrong direction.

In the weeks before receiving the new organ, the operation that took place last month at Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham, Great Britain, she had to go through the ordeal of waiting. two operations that could not be performed.

The first was canceled four hours after it started, when Brooklyn’s chest was open but the donor’s heart began to fail. The second stopped before entering the operating room as the organ is not supported.

Brooklyn Peakman with her mother, Kelly.  Photo: Web

Brooklyn Peakman with her mother, Kelly. Photo: Web

Fortunately, the third time was the charm and Brooklyn was successfully executed on March 17Saint Patrick’s Day, so according to The mirror he called his new organ “Paddy”, short for Patrick.

The marriage request

When the young man was in a wheelchair, about to undergo surgery, he formally courted elliethat he met when he was in high school.

“He smiled when I said yes, I think it relaxed him. He was quite anxious after coming so close to death. I want him down for his transplant knowing how much I love him. My focus right now is to get him completely healed. “

Brooklyn’s future

For her part, Kelly, who is also the mother of Harrison (15) and Maggie May (18), sisters from Brooklyn, said: “I was shocked when the doctors told me that they had to cut off life support. The doctors noticed so much damage that they could not see how he would survive. We go through ups and downs of emotionsworried that he might refuse and be removed from the transplant list. “

Now, despite the fact that the operation was successful, the young man admitted it he could never play football again. However, he does not dismiss the hope of becoming a coach.

“It was a blow, but I have a new heart. It means I can do a lot that I could not do before my surgery ”, he concluded.

Source: Clarin


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