Home World News Macron’s victory: a complex future government with a “third round” in two months

Macron’s victory: a complex future government with a “third round” in two months

Macron’s victory: a complex future government with a “third round” in two months

Macron's success: a complex future government with

French president Emmanuel Macron was re -elected on the ballot. Photo by AFP

A fractured France received the result of the presidential ballot. Emmanuel Macron’s victory was a comfort for Republicans and Jean Luc Mélenchon’s “beneficial vote” of “Ni” contributed to his victory. . 42.40 per cent of the vote for Marine Le Pen rannounce the growth of a far now “acceptable”who were able to attract the poorest, deepest France, the “little countrymen”, combined with a common hatred against “a system” that crushes them, without changing their xenophobia and anti-immigration logic.

A paradox in this electoral campaign. Macron began his campaign with a middle-right speech to end by calling the left, with an ecological tone and social in Marseille. Le Pen, representing the far right, convinced former communist blue-collar voters that he would free them from their fate of oblivion.

The success is less clear than in 2017 for Emmanuel Macron: the president lost 8.5 points regarding his previous rivalry with Marine Le Pen.

The presidential candidate again benefited from numerous calls to vote for him at the end of the first round: Anne Hidalgo, Yannick Jadot, Valérie Pécresse clearly encouraged people to vote for her, when they urged Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Fabien Roussel had their supporters block the far right.

But unlike in 2002, when Jean Marie Le Pen came on the ballot, the “republican vote” doesn’t appeal to young people, who prefer abstention.

Within two months, Macron would have to face a legislative election.  Photo by AFP

Within two months, Macron would have to face a legislative election. Photo by AFP

A complicated command

Macron’s re -election comes after a very difficult mandate, with disunity, violent and broken France. This was marked by the fury of the yellow vests, the mobilization against pension reform, the Covid-19 and the multiple incarcerations and curfews, tax increases and, in the final stages of the campaign, Russia’s aggression on Ukraine.

With this result, he must seek reconciliation and unity with the French.

It was a short campaign, lasting only five weeks, that didn’t really speed up for Macron, because of the war in Ukraine.

Between the first and second turn Macron changed the tone and the proposals. Your delayed retirement age of 65 can be relaxed, such as Solidarity Aid (RSA) in exchange for beneficiary activity hours. Ecology is at the heart of his project for a green economy, which will stimulate France.

Celebrations in Paris for Macron’s success.  Photo by AFP

Celebrations in Paris for Macron’s success. Photo by AFP

Your will be the Prime Minister “is directly responsible for ecological planning”which is “twice as fast” in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Macron launched an appeal to the voters of his opponents, saying he was “willing to invent something new to unite different beliefs and sensitivities to form with them a common action, in the service of our Country, for in the years to come. ” A green economy can combine everything.

He had to submit to the debate exercise with his far right rival. A duel in which he was successful.

third lap

Now re -elected, Macron has to go to the “third round” of the presidential election: the legislative elections scheduled for June 12 and 19, to seek to benefit from a stable majority to govern. Meanwhile, the head of state has already announced that Jean Castex will remain prime minister in the coming days, before the appointment of the new government.

This had to be imposed on the ambush in Unsuspecting France, who wanted to force him to live with Jean Luc Melenchon as prime minister. Macron is no longer seen as the outsider he once was since he came to power in a massive reshuffle of French politics in 2017.



instead, there was widespread protest over the past five years, led by a large group of people who felt he had failed to represent their interests, especially in his campaign to simplify labor laws, which can be said to be a pillar of French identity.

Macron’s dynamic, sometimes dominant style is interpreted by some as arrogant, which further aggravates those who oppose him, including the once Gillet Jaunes (yellow vests).

Macron is a lover of the euroand has repeatedly clarified his ambitions for the EU bloc over the past five years, where the Brexit process has hardened his decision.

He currently holds the presidency of the Council of Europe. He took the opportunity to defend unity and democracy, as well as the foundations of French identity, as the heart of the European project.

Included in his plans for the next five years improve the rights of Europeansreduce Europe’s reliance on imported coal, gas and oil and increase the bloc’s reliance on its own vital infrastructure and technology.

Among the issues he repeatedly returned to was the establishment of a common approach to the use of European troops, with the aim of making Europe a military power in itself.

Macron may have been the West’s main hope for avoiding a war in Ukraine, as the French president held regular talks and shared occasional visits with Vladimir Putin.

But the invasion of Ukraine made him seem more naive than I would like. Even as Putin launched a war, Macron kept trying to talk him out of it and convince him. Until the magnitude and extreme brutality of Russia’s actions became excessive.

He has since said he has ended his dialogue and now shows his clear support for Ukraine. He supported sending weapons to Ukrainian forces and increasing sanctions on Russia.

Since Macron took office, France has continued to make significant contributions to NATO’s efforts, even as it has also conducted outside operations, such as its intervention in the Sahel, from which it has retreated. Demonstrating its commitment to NATO, under Macron’s leadership, France’s defense spending was raised to the lowest threshold of 2% of GDP promoted by the US.

He said he wanted to reform Schengen to strengthen Europe’s borders, create a national ‘border force’ to tighten national borders, change asylum procedures to speed up decisions and expel foreigners who breaking the law.


Source: Clarin


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