Home World News NASA is preparing a new message to communicate with aliens and has chosen to tell it about humanity

NASA is preparing a new message to communicate with aliens and has chosen to tell it about humanity

NASA is preparing a new message to communicate with aliens and has chosen to tell it about humanity

NASA is preparing a new message to communicate with aliens and has chosen to tell it about humanity

One in thirteen parts of the message NASA sent into space to establish communication with extraterrestrials. Photo/Twitter

A team of international researchers from NASA, led by Jonathan Jiang of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, set out to answer, again, the question about How do we communicate with foreigners?

According to a report in Scientific American, the work of this group is thanks to projects like China’s FAST telescope and NASA’s James Webb.

In order to deliver a message to communicate with aliens, the NASA team devised a new communication design.

The Aracibo observatory in Puerto Rico, where the message was sent in 1974. Photo/AP

The Aracibo observatory in Puerto Rico, where the message was sent in 1974. Photo/AP

How is the new message that NASA sent to the aliens

The design of this communication is presented as an update of the message 1974 Areciboan attempt to communicate with aliens via interstellar radio message.

In that caseA basic introduction to mathematics, chemistry, and biology that humans understand today has been sent into space.

As reported Scientific Americanthe 13-page article entitled lighthouse in space details on how the new and more advanced message, it consists of 13 parts of approximately 204,000 effective binary digits, or 25,500 bytes, in total. It also has an invitation to foreigners to respond in the same way, among many other elements.

In this new message, the NASA team includes details such as the best time of year to broadcast your message and possible targets for your message, including a thick ring of stars near the center of the Milky Way.

An important detail, also added by this material, is the exact location on Earth to respond to the message.

“The motivation for message design was share the maximum amount of information about our society and the type of person in the lowest amount of messageJiang’s explanation.

With improvements in digital technology, we can do better than Arecibo’s 1974 messageadded the astronomer.

The message Arecibo in 1974 sent into space with information about humanity.

The message Arecibo in 1974 sent into space with information about humanity.

How aliens will understand NASA’s new message

One of the basic foundations, for any communication with an extraterrestrial species, is find basic linguistic code to allow communication.

In that sense, NASA researchers set out to make their message as easy to understand as possible for a hypothetical extraterrestrial intelligence that knows nothing about human communication.

So. the scientists decided to display their message as a bitmapa medium that uses binary code to create a pixelated image.

Arecibo’s 1974 message also used a map image of bits in the simplest way possible.

“One of the axes of these communications is that everything has evolved independently, both on earth and in possibly extraterrestrial life,” said Douglas Vakoch, president of METI (Messaging Extraterrestrial Intelligence International), an organization dedicated to researching how to communicate with other forms of life.

The new message generated by NASA was also inspired by another similar project called Cosmic Callwhich was broadcast from the Yevpatoriaradio telescope in Ukraine in 2003.

The sent message called “Galaxy Beacon” has a lot of information about human knowledge.  image/file

The sent message called “Galaxy Beacon” has a lot of information about human knowledge. image/file

That message included a custom bitmap “alphabet” that used the spin transition of a hydrogen atom to indicate the idea of ​​timenext to the date the transmission was sent from Earth.

Also featured is the message composed by Jiang’s team this year a sketch of a man and a woman man, as well as a map of the Earth’s surface.

Where will NASA’s message be sent to the aliens?

Jiang and his team suggest sending their message from the Allen Telescope Arrayin northern California, or from the Five Hundred Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST) in China.

however, both teams need to be re -equipped to send signals, as they currently only have the capacity to observe the cosmos.

In this case, if the NASA Jiang team manages to get their message across, Mankind will launch another message into space in hopes that aliens will identify our signal, although it may take many years to come up with an answer.

Source: Clarin


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