The fruit with a very sweet taste that would help reduce the need for insulin

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In diabetes, as explained by the Pan American Health Organization, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin or the body does not use this hormone effectively.

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To control this situation, medical treatment should include certain dietary and lifestyle habits.

Among these foods that help control blood glucose levels, highlights the specialized site Mejor con Salud the importance of consuming figs.

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Dried figs have more properties Photo Shutterstock,

Dried figs have more properties Photo Shutterstock,

This fruit tastes very sweet, according to this note, contains natural sugars. However, people who consume it regularly may have more controlled blood sugar levels than those who don’t consume it.

Moreover, its leaves would reduce the need for insulin.

Further advantages of fig

– It is rich in carbohydrates. With which it is a good alternative to consume as an energy food.

– Contains all the essential amino acids.

Figs have a high percentage of fiber Photo Shutterstock.

Figs have a high percentage of fiber Photo Shutterstock.

– Contains protein.

– It has a high percentage of fiber. With which it promotes good digestion and prevents constipation.

Another fact to take into consideration: a study by the Ecuadorian University of Cuenca indicates that “fresh fruit is made up of 80% water and 12% sugar. Once dry, its nutritional characteristics are enhanced” .

In any case it is important to underline that before consuming this fruit it is advisable to consult your family doctor, to avoid side effects and know the right portions. This too should be considered good eating habits do not replace medicines and other medical treatments.

treatment for diabetes

According to a note from Semana, the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases ensures that this disease affects one in four people over the age of 65 in the United States.

In adults, Between 90% and 95% of these cases correspond to type 2 diabetes, which occurs when the body is unable to produce or use the insulin properly.

Over time, says the same note, if diabetes is not controlled, serious damage can be caused to various organs and systems of the body.

Source: Clarin

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