thousands of coins several centuries old inside a jug buried in a field it was found by chance by a person while using a metal detector looking for agricultural tools.
The discovery was made at the end of February in Rural area of Zaniówkalocated about 160 kilometers southwest of Warsaw, the capital of Poland.
Discovery of a unique coin hoard
He Provincial Curator of Monuments of Lublin on its official website on the social network Facebook was the body responsible for the official announcement.
Entity personnel went to the site and verified that it was 17th century Lithuanian shillings and crownspublished the entity and reflects RT.
According to archaeological authorities, the ceramic jug about 400 years old It has been damaged by the passage of time.
The coins, on the other hand, which had different degrees of conservation, They have developed a green color.
According to official sources, in total the elements found They weigh about 3 kilograms.
As in these cases, they have indicated that the treasure will be analyzed by the Department of Archeology of South Podlasia in Biala Podlaska.
They were about to build houses and find Harpole’s treasure
Another recent find has been described by archaeologists as “a once in a lifetime find”. Regard Darling Harpolea necklace with at least 30 gold and precious stone beads dating back to the 14th century.
Experts from the Museum of Archeology in London (MOLA, for its acronym in English) found the relic during excavations in the Northamptonshire city, in England.
Levente-Bence Balázshead of the excavation carried out in the area for the construction of houses, he said: “When the first glimmers of gold began to appear, we knew it was something important.”
According to the British Museum, the necklace It dates from between 630 and 670 AD C.. In addition, it has amazing gemstone beads and Roman gold coins.
But what never ceases to attract attention is the central piece, the largest and most elaborate element of the relic, a square medal with a cross inside.
Called by specialists the Harpole Treasure in honor of the place, it was found together with the remains of a woman and grave goods, it also spread RT.
“It’s the kind of thing you read in textbooks and not something you would expect to see come out of the groundsaid Simon Mortimer, an archeology consultant for RPS groups, who helped with the excavations.
According to the RPS Group statement, necklaces from this era have previously been discovered in other parts of England, but none are as ornate as Harpole’s.
“The find is of international importance e will be given to the nation“, they confirmed.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.