Big Brother it is undoubtedly inside Reality show which has marked a television path in the world and drives the ratings crazy. Big Brother generates that morbidity of seeing about 14 participants living together totally isolated and watched by cameras 24 hours a day in a spectacular house. But not all are the same…
It is known that the format created by John de Mol and broadcast for the first time in Holland in 1999 was distributed in dozens of countries, with many problems in each. But of course everyone has their own idiosyncrasy and style, as happens with in Brazil and Canada.
How is the house of Big Brother Brazil
Just these days, users of social networks in Argentina not only discuss the most loved and hated participantssuch as Marcos Ginocchio, Alfa (Walter Santiago), Nacho Castañares, Romina Uhrig, Julieta Poggio and Camina Lattanzio.
On this occasion, they entered focus on comparisons. And beyond the players, the host of the TV program and even the theme parties, they showed the images of the spectacular houses where they have been living for months.
For example, a few weeks ago a new edition of Big Brother Brazil and the public assures that the Brazilian reality surpasses the Argentine one in all aspects.
When listing the reasons, many Internet users agreed that the Argentinean production was not thought out very well and that the previous years were even better. and maybe, product of the country’s crisis.
One of The main difference they indicate is the house where the participants live, who in the Argentine edition have opted for a modern and minimalist design, large armchairs and environments, as well as more neutral colors such as wood, white, black and grey.
Only rooms with orange, green and purple tones appear as more risky spaces.
How could it be otherwise, GH Brasil’s house has a very colorful designwith modern furniture and perhaps excessive decoration.
Is that the whole house has one marine themewith drawings of fish and other animals on the walls of the rooms.
In general, the house is characterized by brighter colors such as blue, pink, orange, green and purple.
In Brazil, one of the countries that adore the format, they try to get new world records, such as the highest rating for the program with 1,532,944,337.
Big Brother Canada: the luxurious house
Continuing with the comparisons -not at all hateful-, the photos of the spaces of the edition of Canadian Big Brotherand in the networks they have not ceased to amaze.
Away from the minimalist style bordering on the local basics, in the North American country, GH’s house is pure luxury.
You see a spectacular kitchen, in a light and fucking color with lighting that stands out and amazes.
the imposing the living room is darkerwith a fabulous reddish-brown armchair in a mirror, large dark gray flagstone floors and brickwork on the wall, where GH’s distinctive eye appears amongst a black veined marble.
Both in the rooms and in other areas they are carpeted with plants, and the gold and lighting which are undoubtedly its hallmark, it is special in the mirrors/window.
A huge indoor Jacuzzi in a kind of conservatory and an English style room, with a floor to ceiling library and a pool table in the center which gives it a share of distinction.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.