A user of the social network Reddit has decided to do something that nobody does: he opened his gaming PC to “clean” it inside. What he found, of course, shocked him. The publication, accompanied by some photos, generated comments and reactions of all kinds,
“This is shameful. This is not an old PC that was in storage. It’s the one I use for daily gaming. I’ve never opened it once since I bought it 6 years ago. Surprisingly it works well. It was so satisfying cleaning it,” noted @jbclassic6889 in his Reddit post.
Along with his words, the user showed a picture of what he found inside: the layer of dust was so thick that from a distance it looked like a cobweb or a layer of mushrooms. The image caught the attention of the community and many launched their questions.
Some wanted to know what he cleaned the pc with, while others “demanded” him to show the photo after having removed all the dust. “This type of thread needs ‘before and after’ screenshots,” said one of his followers.
However, the most amazing part was that the author of the post ensured that his PC was working and still fine.. The amount of dust the computer had could not only cause hardware problems, but also excessive noise from exertion. Especially for the fans.
That it didn’t have any problems was pretty much a miracle, because both the processor and the card could have crashed.
why does it get so dirty
It should be remembered that the computer collects dust and dirt suspended throughout the house. You are so used to its presence that it is normal to forget that it requires even minimal maintenance and that maybe it hasn’t been opened for years to remove dust from the vents. Also, if there are pets in the house, the problem is multiplied, so cleaning should be something more common and unavoidable.
Nor should we forget that the PC you have peripherals, such as a keyboard, mouse or headphones that also get dirty with use and that you have to give them a review from time to time.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.