A lawyer from South Florida, USA, who specializes – and therefore promotes his services – in “representing survivors of sexual offences“He was arrested and is due to appear in federal court following a search of his Miami home, where FBI agents discovered him thousands of files downloaded about child pornographyThis was reported on Wednesday by the prosecutor’s office who intervened.
Michael T. Dolce, 53 years olda lawyer from West Palm Beach, north of the resort town, will appear this Thursday in federal court of that city for his first court appearance, the Southern District of Florida attorney said Wednesday in a statement.
sweet faces multiple counts of possession of child pornography.
Southeast Florida’s Local 10 reported that, according to its Linkedin profile, Dolce is partner of the law firm Cohen, Milstein, Sellers & Toll, at Palm Beach Gardens, e sexual abuse squad leadersex trafficking and domestic abuse from that buffet.
In his profile on the platform where he offers and seeks work, it is specified that he is a “litigation lawyer and political activist of great prestige (…) who dedicated to representing survivors of sex crimesincluding child and adult victims and adult survivors of child sexual abuse“.
According to the affidavit released by the Prosecutor’s Office, on March 15, FBI agents executed a search warrant at Dolce’s West Palm Beach apartment.
There they discovered that the lawyer “actively downloaded child pornography using peer-2-peer software”.
“Almost 2,000 child pornography images and videos have been recovered from their devices,” the statement said.
According to a federal criminal complaint cited by Local 10, the images and videos shown girls up to 5 years oldSt.
This case was filed under Project Safe Childhood (PSC), a national initiative launched in May 2006 by the United States Department of Justice “to fight the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation and abuse“.
Harvey Weinstein, acquitted of sexual abuse: the reasons
On March 15, the Los Angeles justice system ruled acquit film producer Harvey Weinstein of three of the seven sexual harassment and abuse charges he was facing for which he was convicted in February sentenced to 16 years in prison for rape.
As reported by the Variety magazine website, the cases that both the judges and the prosecution dismissed concern two women and had been the subject of disagreement among the members of the jury who participated in the trial, who, despite not having reached a unanimous agreement , cast votes that indicated their inclination to convict him.
At the hearing, one of the alleged victims showed up with her attorney to ask Judge Lisa B. Lench to review the decision. “I think Weinstein should be punished for any crime, even though he has been convicted in New York and Los Angeles for his crimes against women. I wanted him to take responsibility for what he did to me,” he pitched. .
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.