Iranian judicial authorities issued an arrest warrant on Saturday for two women who were sprayed on the head with yogurt by a man at a grocery store. do not cover yourself with the obligatory Islamic veil. At the same time, he ordered the arrest of the attacker, it was reported on Saturday.
The court decision comes in the aftermath of a video that has gone viral on the internet in which a man is seen arguing with a woman and her daughter who are not wearing hijabs inside a shop and knocking over a jar of what appears to be yogurt on the head, reported the Mizan agency.
The employee of the shop, in the town of Shandiz, bordering the holy city of Mashad, in the north-east of the country, responded by pushing the attacker of the two women into the street.
The authorities have issued an arrest warrant for the man “on charges of committing abusive acts and disturbance of order”, but also against the two women for “committing a forbidden act” for not wearing the scarf, he pointed to the judiciary’s website, Mizan Online.
“The necessary communications have been sent to the owner of the shop where it happened so that he complies with the legal and Sharia principles in accordance with the regulations” in force, added the same source.
For his part, the merchant received a “reprimand” for having allowed the presence of unveiled women in his establishment, Compulsory garment in the country since 1983.
The incident came amid rising tensions in Iran following protests sparked by the September death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old girl who was arrested for not wearing the hijab properly, in a riot calling for an end to Islamic Republic.
The protests almost subsided after a strong state repression which caused nearly 500 deaths and in which four protesters were hanged, one of them in public.
But many women have stopped wearing the veil on the streets of the Islamic country, in a form of protest and disobedience.
Faced with the continuous female gestures of civil disobedience, increasingly conservative voices are calling for the laws to be enforced that impose this garment.
The Interior Ministry this week described the headscarf “as one of the pillars of civilization of the Iranian nation”, one of the “principles of the Islamic Republic” and “a religious necessity”.
Sanctions and closures before Ramadan
“The hijab and chastity should be protected to strengthen the foundation of the family,” the ministry ruled a few days before the start of Ramadan, the holy month for Islam, during which it is forbidden to eat or drink in Iran public. the day.
Precisely for not observing these rules, a week before the start, dozens of restaurants and clubs have been closed by the authorities in several cities in Iran, reported the agency of Iranian human rights activists Hrana.
According to the agency, in a few days 27 restaurants in Karaj were closed, 2 in Ahvaz, where some people were also arrested, and 10 restaurants in Neyshabur, in the north-east of the country.
The courts closed a tourist complex in Amol, Mazandaran province, for “allowing women to dance and sing in public”, while in Nowshahar, north of Tehran, three restaurants were sealed, not only for violating rules about Ramadan, but also why some women did not wear veils and alcoholic beverages were served, which had also been prohibited since the founding of the Islamic Republic.
Source: AFP, EFE and ANSA
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.