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Guava: why it is important to avoid swelling and control hypertension

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To treat arterial hypertension, along with medical treatment, natural preparations can be incorporated which provide complementary benefits.

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One such option is the guava tea. This plant is grown in Mexico and has multiple health benefits.

In this regard, a publication from the Vascular Plant Laboratory of the Faculty of Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico explains that its leaves help control uric acid, hypertension, swelling of the legs and the symptoms of diarrhea.

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Another plus for people with hypertension is that it has diuretic properties. Also, thanks to its high potassium content, it helps prevent water retention.

It is important to clarify that before consuming it it is necessary to consult your family doctor. The professional will also give the recommended doses.

Vegetable infusions do not replace medical care.

Vegetable infusions do not replace medical care.

Other benefits of guava

The Spanish site Semana details the list of properties.

– Strengthens the body’s immunity, improving resistance to viruses and bacteria.

– Helps improve iron absorption.

– Collaborates in the reduction of LDL or “bad” cholesterol, as it is a significant source of soluble fiber.

– Activates the metabolism and intervenes in weight loss.

How to make guava tea


– 30 grams of guava leaves.

– 2 glasses of water.

Sweetener to taste

Guava leaves are used to make medicinal teas.

Guava leaves are used to make medicinal teas.


Boil a portion of water, equivalent to a cup, and the guava leaves. Once boiling point is reached, turn the heat down to medium for 20 minutes. Let stand and filter.

Tip: The taste of this drink can be bitter. It should be sweetened with a little honey, sugar or the usual product.

Source: Clarin

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