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What is the best vitamin for skin after 60?

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He skin care It is not only a matter of aesthetics but of health. Here because, vitamins and nutrients They are essential, not only at an early age, but also for delaying the aging of people older than 60 years.

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The stage of menopause in women and andropause in men produces hormonal changes, including those that directly affect the skin, the largest organ of the human body.

Although topical serums and creams can delay the onset of wrinkles, marks and other signs of the passage of timevitamins and supplements work from the inside out.

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The signs of aging on the skin at 60 years old.  Photo Shutterstock..

The signs of aging on the skin at 60 years old. Photo Shutterstock..

“However, not all vitamins are created equal when it comes to anti-aging. Some turn out to be much more powerful in fighting the effects of age,” explain specialists at SciTechDaily.

Vitamin A for skin after 60 years

THE Vitamin A It is one of the main ones for skin care, as some facial products lack it and the body does not generate it itself, so it is advisable to supplement it with certain foods.

Orange colored fruits and vegetables, vital for receiving vitamin A.

Orange colored fruits and vegetables, vital for receiving vitamin A.

A vital function of vitamin A is the protection from ultraviolet rays and protection against the growth of certain cells caused by the sun, thanks to its stimulation in the formation of collagen and elastinpoints Mayo Clinic.

The foods that provide the highest percentage of vitamin A are usually the red or orange fruits and vegetablesbecause they contain beta carotenean organic pigment that also reduces the chances of getting cancer.

Among them are inside mango, pumpkin, squash, tomato, carrot and sweet potatoMoreover.

Vitamin B3 to take care of the skin

Unlike vitamin A, vitamin B3, also known as niacingives greater luminosity to the skin and prevents aging in the short term.

Salmon contains vitamin B3.

Salmon contains vitamin B3.

In addition, they are often used in facial products reduce acne and inflammatory problems in face.

It also provides stimulation of cement lipids, which strengthen the skin barrier.

To get it it is recommended to eat chicken breasts, tuna, salmon and corn tortillas to get it from food.

Vitamin C for people over the age of 60

Essential to consume to promote skin care is the C vitaminIt works for synthesize collagen in the skin and provide greater elasticity to the fabrics. In addition, to “heal wounds and form scar tissue,” he also specifies MedlinePlus, US National Library of Medicine.

Fruits and vegetables with more vitamin C.

Fruits and vegetables with more vitamin C.

It is used to prevent skin aging due to the luminosity it provides and also acts as a sunscreen.

Other advantage: reduces the appearance of spots due to the production of keratin in the body.

The main foods with vitamin C are citrus fruits such as lemon and oranges, peppers and melonamong others.

Vitamin E for skin care

THE Vitamin E It is used to reduce facial aging and diseases that can be caused by the sun.

In this line, it is usually consumed at the same time as vitamin A, since it collaborates in its absorption process in the body.

Walnuts contain vitamin E. one of the substances affecting the state of the dermis.

Walnuts contain vitamin E. one of the substances affecting the state of the dermis.

It also works as a antioxidant thanks to its reserves of collagen and cells.

This type of vitamins can be obtained by consuming olive oil, dried fruit such as walnuts AND olives and sunflower seeds.

Source: Clarin

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