Solar Eclipse of April 2023: Ritual of Abundance and Harmonization

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This April 20, 2023 in the sky two astral phenomena will coincide: the new Moon and the first eclipse of the season, which will be a solar eclipse in Aries.

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All the eclipse they live on one introspective wayinvite us to look at each other and, with open eyes, see our duality a leave behind structures that are no longer needed.

It’s like carrying out a cleaning and transmutation process, it’s like freeing up spaces to make room for renewal energies.

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April 2023 solar eclipse: spiritual significance

On this occasion the moon It will happen between the earth and the sun, totally or partially obscuring the image of the Astro King for those viewing it from Earth.

This solar eclipse tells us that we must leave behind structures that no longer serve us to satisfy our desires.  Photo: EFE

This solar eclipse tells us that we must leave behind structures that no longer serve us to satisfy our desires. Photo: EFE

As it happens while we are in the sign of Aries (the first of the zodiac) the power it already is the beginning.

so this eclipse invites us to see who we are, how we live, if we generate unnecessary attachments or if we live in full conflict with the environment. And it also leads us to wonder what causes this to us and how we focus on our own plan to grow.

It is that it marks us, among other things, that it is time to do it cut those connecting threads that do not allow us to evolve, which slow us down and stop us. This solar eclipse tells us “enough with the past”; tells us what it is time to close the doors.

The energy of this eclipse it lasts between us about six months. This will give us time to incorporate the information received e be prepared for make room for change.

is that we must guide us with our desiresHave courage and drive to execute them and, therefore, be able to unfold our hidden potentials.

This Sun eclipse it will inspire us to let go of fears and our own darkness; and to attract anything that helps us do it release emotions encysted

It is important to remember that we will be under astrological forces and astronomical movements, which will bring us the magic of attraction.

Solar Eclipse of April 2023: Ritual of Abundance and Harmonization

The day of eclipsedoes not have to be in the exact moment, we will dedicate to immersion bath with lavender flowers and their oil.

we will take too lavender tea to help us harmonize internally.

On the day of the eclipse we will take an immersion bath with lavender flowers and their oil.  Photo: file

On the day of the eclipse we will take an immersion bath with lavender flowers and their oil. Photo: file

So, as our intention will be to attract Abundance, for the ritual we will need:

  • A notebook with blank sheets
  • black pencil
  • purple honey candle
  • purple ribbon

First we will tie the ribbon around the sail. On the sheet of paper we will draw the sign $, a heart and the symbol of eternity. Next to it, we will put our full name and the name of the people who live with us.

We light the candle by thinking and mentally decreeing it in us there is monetary abundance and love.

and we say the following prayer to strengthen astrological energies:

“I will love myself first and then love others more freely. I will connect with my soul and my purpose. Today it is me. I will open the door to my shadows, only then will they stop being ghosts. I will only act for myself, all that that comes to me is the past. It hurt me. Being generous to me is my future. I open myself to new experiences and beliefs. I surrender to a profound transformation of abundance and love. That’s right.”.

After the prayer, we will burn the sheet with the flame of the candle.  Photo: network

After the prayer, we will burn the sheet with the flame of the candle. Photo: network

Once we’re done, we will burn the leaf with the candle flame. We throw the ashes in a vase in the house or in a place with earth.

We will leave the the candle goes out. If there are remnants of the candle, we put them in a neatly folded piece of paper and carry it in our purse or wallet until the next eclipse.

Nadir Otermin Hamed. Holistic master. Courses and sessions throughout the year. On Instagram: @consultorioholisticonadir

Source: Clarin

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