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The root that helps reduce scars, prevents wrinkles and stimulates hair growth

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THE food They play a vital role in enjoying good health. And among these there is one that also provides benefits for the skin care and stimulates the hair growth.

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Regard a root which has become a favorite item in the kitchen because it flavors foods and adds some flavor, and combined with other ingredients it is used as natural remedy.

Health benefits of ginger

While ginger It is native to Asia, today it is found almost everywhere in the world because it grows in tropical climate areas.

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With multiple properties, ginger is native to Asia.

With multiple properties, ginger is native to Asia.

And it’s not only popular when it comes to flavors and aromas, but also for preventing the onset of conditions like the flu and benefiting the body in systems like the digestive system.

  • anti-inflammatory

Consuming ginger can help prevent and cure inflammation. One study found that ginger could reduce allergic reactions, in which inflammation can play a role, spreads Health line.

Another survey refers to whether those who have taken daily ginger supplements had less muscle soreness after exercise. Muscle pain may be due to inflammation.

  • antioxidant

The antioxidant properties of ginger can help prevent heart diseaseas well as neurodegenerative of the type Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s.

Prevents heart disease.  Shutterstock photos.

Prevents heart disease. Shutterstock photos.
  • Cures cough and sore throat

According to an article by Digital Library of Traditional Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) ginger can be used for cure cough and sore throat.

  • Digestive and against nausea

To help relieve indigestion, vomiting and nauseain different parts of the world they regularly resort to ginger water.

In this sense, studies are also not conclusive in terms of effectiveness, but recommendations abound in several recognized health portals.

Another benefit to mention is to relieve indigestion.

Another benefit to mention is to relieve indigestion.
  • Balance blood sugar

Research has found that, in people with diabetes, ginger improvement in fasting blood sugar.

Discoveries of this kind help in the treatment of health problems caused by chronic diabetes, expands the health portal Health line.

Ginger for skin and hair

Ginger can be purchased fresh, dried, pulverized, pressed or in oil and it has many advantages for our hair, face and health.

Other benefits of this product, according to the Secretary of Agro-industry of Argentinaare the fight aging Thanks to its antioxidants.

Ginger for skin and stimulate hair growth.  Shutterstock photos.

Ginger for skin and stimulate hair growth. Shutterstock photos.

And in this sense it is an ally of the skin because “it contains approx 40 different antioxidant componentsnecessary to neutralize the action of free radicals, mainly responsible for cell oxidation and also for skin aging”, according to the magazine specialized in health and lifestyle OneHowTo of the portal Sports world.

How to prepare a ginger mask

To use it with this offering benefits for the skin, you can run a homemade mask which combines the properties of ginger and other products that abound in homes.


  • A small spoonful of ginger powder
  • a spoonful of honey
How to prepare a ginger mask.

How to prepare a ginger mask.

How to prepare and use

  • Mix the ginger together with the honey in a bowl.
  • Mix until a kind of homogeneous paste is formed.
  • Cleanse your face so that the nutrients from the mask penetrate properly.
  • Apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Remove with plenty of warm or cold water.

But obviously there are many other recipes based on ginger, and the portal better with health indicates one to use as stain.


  • A teaspoon of grated ginger root (3 g)
  • two tablespoons of brown sugar (30 g)
  • A third cup of coconut oil (67 g)
Grated ginger is part of the preparation.

Grated ginger is part of the preparation.

Preparation and use

  • Take a bowl or container and grate the ginger root.
  • Add the two tablespoons of brown sugar and finally the half cup of coconut oil.
  • Mix everything very well until a homogeneous mass is formed.
  • Apply the preparation once a week, always avoiding contact with eyes and mucous membranes.

Source: Clarin

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