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Video: A tiger shark ferociously attacks a fisherman in his kayak

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pictures of a tiger shark leaping out of the water and attacking a fisherman’s kayak with his huge jaw he doesn’t stop scaring the world. He video of the chilling moment rocked social networks.

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Sharks generally don’t pay attention to boats if there is no bait or something to attract them. All in the middle of a usually hostile habitat due to variety of aggressive species.

In fact, biologists say, They are much less aggressive than what movies or series insist on showing.

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The fisherman was calm in his kayak before the shark attack.  catch youtube

The fisherman was calm in his kayak before the shark attack. catch youtube

In any case, exceptions abound, one of them has to do with the shocking Images taken in Oahu, Hawaii.

A shark attacks a fisherman in a kayak

Scott Haraguchi He is a fisherman who sailed calmly with his kayak as on so many other occasions, enjoying a fabulous day.

Suddenly though, a tiger shark emerged from the depths and dived to the side of the boat with a impressive jaw.

Tiger shark jumped out of the water and attacked the fisherman's boat in Hawaii.  catch youtube

Tiger shark jumped out of the water and attacked the fisherman’s boat in Hawaii. catch youtube

Haraguchi believes the animal may have confused the kayak with prey, such as a seal, he said. kitv.

Viral video of the attack at sea

The fisherman uploaded the video to the YouTube channel Fishing near the coast of Hawaii.

There he explained that the attack was so quick and sudden that he didn’t even know what had happened until he reviewed the pictures once he got home safely.

Vicious shark attack on kayak in Caribbean waters.  catch youtube

The vicious shark attack on the kayak in the Caribbean waters. catch youtube

“I hear a whistle, I look up and see a broad brown thing on the side of the kayak,” Haraguchi said, widening 20 minutes.

“At first I thought it was a turtle. It happened so fast that I didn’t notice and I took my left foot out of the water to protect myself from the impact and he actually hit the shark’s head with it,” he recalls his reaction.

To conclude, acknowledge that if you were asked to do it again, even without the shark, “you won’t have that flexibility.” After all, a miracle in the calm waters of the Caribbean.

The fisherman believes the shark thought it was a seal or other prey.  catch youtube

The fisherman believes the shark thought it was a seal or other prey. catch youtube

What does a tiger shark look like?

The tiger shark (Galeocerdo Cuvier) is a species belonging to the family Carcharhinidae and only living representative of the genus Galeocerdo.

With a portly body, it reaches a maximum weight of over 850 kilos and length of about 5.5 meters.

Tiger sharks can weigh more than 850 kilos.

Tiger sharks can weigh more than 850 kilos.

It is considered a top predatorwhich means it has no natural predators and is at the top of its food chain.

The tiger shark has an aggressive and indiscriminate feeding style, using the surprise factor as part of its attack. It lurks at the bottom of the sea to get close to its chosen prey at high speed before it can escape.

Sand tiger shark in the Berlin Zoo aquarium.  Photo: AP

Sand tiger shark in the Berlin Zoo aquarium. Photo: AP

Its broad spectrum of foods includes crustaceans, seals, birds, turtles, dolphins and others too smaller sharks.

Source: Clarin

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