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Energy Vampires: How to Identify Them and Keys to Avoiding Their Negative Energy

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Heachache. Low energy. Tiredness and little desire to do things. Feeling of permanent negativity. We apologize often, however, in general we don’t know what it is that discomfort.

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But there is an explanation, and despite our resistance to believing it, it surely is because we are victims of energy vampirism.

What is energy vampirism?

Energy vampirism is a particular phenomenon that occurs between people and occurs when one feeds on the energy of another, whether in one’s family environment, one’s work, the place of study or in one’s social circle.

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THE energy vampires -that is, those who take away our strength- manifest themselves in many ways. Yes, always exerting power over our mood and our own energy.

When we are victims of energy vampirism, we can experience headaches, low energy and tiredness.  Photo: Shutterstock

When we are victims of energy vampirism, we can experience headaches, low energy and tiredness. Photo: Shutterstock

How does an energy vampire behave?

We generally identify this type of presence when, after having been in a atmosphere we started talking tired and insecure. Sometimes these influences also leave us with headaches, listlessness and/or anguish.

When our auric field is weak and has cracks; and, moreover, it has few defense resources, it is normal that the intervention of energy vampires occurs more frequently.

is that they are like “vacuum cleaners” that take away our energy and desire; they suck our joy, self-esteem and even our values, as many times we react like we shouldn’t under their influence.

It is not difficult to figure out who is a energy vampire as generally these people are surrounded by an energy of selfishnessIt’s just them, it’s just their problems, they just need help and they expect you to feel sorry for them too.

But they don’t just have these behaviors. usually they are proudthey feel superior and many times they can come and humble us.

Energy vampires are like "vacuum cleaners" that take away our energy.  Photo: Shutterstock

Energy vampires are like “vacuum cleaners” that take away our energy. Photo: Shutterstock

However, the opposite can also happen: they want to magnify our ego, adorn us with beautiful words. And what actually happens is that They just want to make a profit for themselves..

Warning: there are other energy vampires

Alert! There are also those who inadvertently have this energetic intention.

We will see, then, how to do it avoid these negative influences in our lives.

The first thing we should know is that these aren’t always bad people and they aren’t always good. Many times they will even tell us that they feel exhausted, depressed and sad.

This energy is constantly flowing and we will certainly feel it drawn to them to help them. Although there is also a logic in feeling rejection of these people, which shouldn’t make us feel bad: it means that someone has taken our vital energy.

The positive is that all of this can be reversed.

The good news is that we can reverse the effects of energy vampirism.  Photo: Shutterstock

The good news is that we can reverse the effects of energy vampirism. Photo: Shutterstock

How can we protect ourselves from energy vampires?

Candies protect us -besides eradicating this phenomenon- making extensive use of intuition, perception and our vision so that none of this intervenes in our energy field.

First, we must decide that whatever the other does or says, nothing will affect us, nothing will defile us. Because they feed from there, from our permission and in the face of our vulnerability.

People who exercise emotional vampirism living in very low vibration and they will want to hold onto our energy so they can feed themselves and increase their own toxicity.

It is increasingly common for those of us who work, manage, harmonize and heal energies to witness these instances of negative feelings and psychic attacks due to energy vampirism.

Tips for dealing with energy vampires

Ignore and change your vibration until they themselves end up getting tired of themselves for not achieving their goal. It is wonderful when our response is not as expected by the external stimulus and the energy vampires are unconsciously or consciously sabotaged. It happens that these dark beings lose control in this way as their expectations make them slaves of their intentions.

To analyze why that person has an effect on us it will help us protect ourselves from its negative influence. If the person is important to us and we don’t want to end the relationship, it is suggested that we have a dialogue where we let them know how their toxic behavior affects us.

Set limits in the time we share with those people.

Keep calm.

– Let it be clear that we owe nothing. We don’t have to be that sponge where they deposit their problems.

Meditate and seek inner harmony.

Close the auric body.

Cut the ties that bind us to toxic people.

Using amulets can be a way to combat energy vampirism.  Photo: Shutterstock

Using amulets can be a way to combat energy vampirism. Photo: Shutterstock

-Protect us with amulets according to our beliefs.

-Wear black tourmaline to protect us or protect the place where we are since it is a crystal that protects and transforms.

-Protection with Sacred numerical codes to ward off energy vampires: 2033.

Source: Clarin

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