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What happens if we eat the white strings of bananas?

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According to experts, these are vegetable fibers called “xylem fibersAlthough they are not harmful to health, some consumers tend to eliminate them before eating bananas.

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However, a new study has revealed that these fibers may have health benefits. According to the researchers, the xylem fibers present in the bananas have prebiotic propertiesmeaning they can stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut.

Nutritionists recommend 5 servings of fruit or vegetables a day.  Photo: Pexel

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Nutritionists recommend 5 servings of fruit or vegetables a day. Photo: Pexel

Furthermore, xylem fibers could help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, as they have a positive effect on cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

Even if you don’t need to consume the white strings of bananas to obtain these benefits, experts recommend including them regularly in the diet. A good way to do this is to add ripe bananas to smoothies, shakes or as part of a healthy snack.

Benefits and properties of bananas

Some benefits and properties of banana consumption, supported by health specialists, indicate:

  • rich in nutrients: Banana is an excellent source of essential nutrients such as: vitamin C, B6, folic acid, potassium and dietary fiber. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one serving of one medium banana (about 118 grams)
  • Helps regulate blood pressure: The potassium found in bananas can help regulate blood pressure. According to the American Heart Association (AHA), a diet high in potassium can reduce the risk of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
  • Improve digestion: It is rich in dietary fiber, which can help improve digestion and prevent constipation. Additionally, the pectin found in bananas can also help relieve the symptoms of diarrhea.
  • It can improve mood: They contain tryptophan, an amino acid that the body converts into serotonin, a chemical that can improve mood and reduce stress. According to a study published in the Journal of Neural Transmission, eating bananas can help improve mood in people with depression.
Bananas have diuretic fiber.  Photo: Unplash

Bananas have diuretic fiber. Photo: Unplash

How many times should we eat bananas according to nutritionists

THE nutritionists and medical specialists recommends consuming fruit and vegetables every day as part of a balanced and healthy diet:

The amount of bananas we should eat can vary based on our individual calorie and nutritional needs. According to the American Heart Association, it is recommended to consume at leasts 4 to 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a daywhich may include a slice of banana.

Additionally, nutritionists suggest that it’s important to eat a variety of foods to ensure you’re getting a wide range of essential nutrients.

As for the frequency of consumption, there is no fixed rule set. Some people may eat bananas every day as part of their diet, while others may eat them less frequently.


USDA National Nutrient Database
American Heart Association
Harvard Health Publication
Journal of Neural Transmission

Source: Clarin

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