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The exercise that you can do while sitting in the office and helps you lose weight

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Lose weight it can be very difficult for some people. There is no magic recipe or perfect exercise for doing this; every body is different and the ways to reduce body weight it will vary according to each person.

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THE healthy diets which contribute a great deal of vitamins; as well as avoid a sedentary routinethere are a few ways to do this, but they need to be held for a consistent amount of time to work.

However, a 2022 analysis done in United States of America discovered a way to activate a certain muscle without the need for intense physical activity.

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This exercise is ideal to do during working hours in the officein college or anytime you sit for a long time, as it’s low-maintenance and very easy to do.

How does exercise help you lose weight?

An investigation conducted by Marc HamiltonProfessor of Health and Human Performance at the University of Houston of the United States, states that a leg muscle is capable of burn fat and metabolites effectively.

Marc Hamilton develops his research on the soleus.

Marc Hamilton develops his research on the soleus.

Regard soleus, located under the calf and extending from the knee to the heel in both legs. According to Hamilton’s study, 600 muscles of the body “contribute only to a 15% of metabolism whole body oxidative within three hours of carbohydrate ingestion and the soleus is able to double and even triple it“.

The main point of the investigation is to compare the reaction of the body when stimulating the soleus and analyze the changes unlike other muscles. Based on the results of muscle biopsies, this muscle was found to have a minimum contribution of glycogen for food, and is able to use fuels such as fat or glucose instead in the blood.

Hamilton argues that “this lower-than-normal dependency helps the soleus function for hours effortlessly and effortlessly“. The effects of soleus exercise have shown improvement in 52% in sugar variation in blood and one 60% reduction in insulinafter three hours of ingestion of a drink with glucose.

How do you perform this soleus exercise?

Although during the investigation a scientific equipment not available to the public, there are home ways to exercise the soleus. One of these does not require high physical effort, but can be done while sitting while doing another activity.

On the other hand, the researchers pointed out that these exercises they don’t work by themselves for losing weightnor to be integrated with diets, but rather they can help speed up the metabolism and make it less slow.

Hamilton recommends the flexion of the soleus to stimulate muscles: “It looks simple from the outside, but sometimes what we see isn’t the whole story. It’s a very special movement that we’ve researched extensively with wearable technology and our expertise to optimize the health benefits.”

Source: Clarin

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