Rómulo Román Roque and his partner, the British Caroline.
Caroline Knight is a 34-year-old British woman who could be the main character of a new story on Netflix. The woman, a yoga teacher, traveled to Peru for 10 days during the pandemic. She found herself there and fell in love with a 20-year-old man.
After a while he decided to exchange London for Amazon and never return to Great Britain. Today, he lives in the jungle, surrounded by insects, has no drinking water and works with his partner in planting cocoa.
Caroline and Rómulo Román Roque live in the middle of the jungle and have to go to a town with internet access to communicate with the outside world.

They live together within the Amazon forest.
“Rómulo has a very good energy and something about his soul caught my attention. Although he is young, he also has wisdom,” said the English girl.
Caroline left her life in the UK to live in the wild and now harvests cocoa in the Amazon rainforest. Although she continues to practice and teach yoga to some natives, her main dedication is working on cocoa plantations with her boyfriend.

Caroline and her partner work on a cocoa farm.
“Sometimes he doesn’t have the strength to carry cocoa, but I help him. I also teach him how to do it,” said the young man.
“It was very hard work, but the trees rewarded us with fruit and we processed the grains by hand to become raw cocoa. I broke my nails pulling it out of the capsules. We received the capsules. our first orders, mainly through our Instagram account, Jungle Cacao Peru, and through home contacts, ”Caroline said.
“The first orders are packed and ready to ship to the UK. Hopefully we can really do business here.” said the 34-year-old woman.
As the British-born woman told the local newspaper: “I came to a camp with British colleagues, I thought I would stay ten days, but I found love and 326 days and the coronavirus passed. Despite the heat of the forest, greedy insects, poor sanitation and destructive work, waking up beside him every morning, to the magical sound of howling monkeys, makes it all worth it. I feel safe and loved. “

He wanted to travel to Britain to introduce his girlfriend to his family.
He also assured that “Rómulo is shy, loving and very hardworking.” And that he lives in an unusual way, in addition to the conditions mentioned because “he doesn’t have a cell phone, but he manages to find me on Facebook”.
Then she recalled that he “does not speak English, but I know enough Spanish” and when asked, she said na “we talked a lot. We only knew each other for days, but we felt love.” So, a few days. later, Rómulo invited her to live together.
Caroline, who previously worked as a massage therapist and yoga teacher and lives in Stoke Newington, North London, found that life with Romulo could not be sweeter. They now live together “with plenty of fruit to eat” around them, and financial support from his family.

Rómulo Román Roque is 20 years old. Your partner, 34.
The cabin they live in is made of wood and has no civilization within 100 kilometers.. He washes clothes in the river while they plant and process cocoa beans together by hand.
Caroline confesses that in the future she wants to introduce her family to Rómulo and take him (along with his family) to England.
Source: Clarin