Home World News She rented her womb, had 13 babies and mistakenly gave a gestated to her own husband

She rented her womb, had 13 babies and mistakenly gave a gestated to her own husband

She rented her womb, had 13 babies and mistakenly gave a gestated to her own husband

She rented her womb, had 13 babies and mistakenly gave a gestated to her own husband

Carole Horlock with pictures of babies she gave birth to through surrogacy. She maintains contact with everyone except the one who mistakenly conceived her husband.

Carole Horlock is a woman who rented her womb and is known as “the most prolific in the world” after have 13 babies for other couples. But what is supposed to be happiness for the ability to overcome certain barriers in pregnancy, has a dark chapter in her life: one of the children she has become from her own husband.

Carole gave birth 4 kilo baby in June 2004 for surrogacybelieving he was the child of another couple, created from his egg but with the sperm of another woman’s husband.

However, the couple performed a DNA test six weeks after birth and discovered that the baby belonged to Paul, Carole’s husband.

Carole Horlock is holding the first surrogate baby she has ever given birth to.

Carole Horlock is holding the first surrogate baby she has ever given birth to.

attempt at adoption

Faced with such a scene of grief and confusion, Carole and Paul agreed that they could still adopt her. But he was sad when the relationship with the other couple was severed And now admit it. “I can’t help but think of him.”

Currently, the woman from the Essex region, England, is on the Adoption Contacts Register in the hopes that she would like to meet him. when I was 18 this year.

Carole, whose success is listed in the Guinness World Records, explains: “I am extremely proud of my career as a surrogate mother and having 13 babies loved by their families.”

He admits: “Surrogacy has brought me and the families I have helped immeasurable joy, but it has also led to the darkest moments of my life.”

More than how impressive the gesture itself is, he points out that there is a dark side to making mistakes: “grief, roller coaster of emotions and a destructive taste”.

Two girls born in February 1997, two and three babies she has with this method.

Two girls born in February 1997, two and three babies she has with this method.

Conceived unintentionally in an act of love

The case of Carol and Paul’s son, now 55 and 69 years oldThis is his ninth experience. “This kid was accidentally got pregnant by a love affair between me and my partner “newspaper account Glass.

He made sure he knew nothing when he was given, and when he found out and reconsidered the situation, they finally decided. let them keep it.

“People ask me how I gave this baby if I had it, but many of the surrogate babies I gave were biologically mine,” Carol highlights.

“The difference is that this child belongs to Paul as well. There isn’t a day that we don’t think of him. We live with the hope that he will notice us and, when he turns 18, he wants to see us ”, he insisted on his purpose.

Carole with baby number nine, the one in the story.  She was born in 2004 and through a DNA test she discovered she was her husband’s child.

Carole with baby number nine, the one in the story. She was born in 2004 and through a DNA test she discovered she was her husband’s child.

Pregnancy, claims and decisions

In 2003, Carole agreed to become a surrogate mother to a UK woman and self-inseminated semen from her businessman husband.

As part of the experience, surrogate mothers are advised if possible do not have sex until pregnant “I didn’t promise I wouldn’t have sex, but we took care of my husband,” he reasoned.

Of course, the couple was filled with joy as they turned to them on the news of the pregnancy. They attend medical studies and even births. Carole, for example, even stayed with them the following week.

Six weeks later, the problem arose. Enraged, the alleged father called the surrogacy agency to complain because a DNA test showed that the baby was not hers. And a second test confirmed this, the British medium said.

“It was a horrible situation for everyone. I remember being repeatedly told to the surrogacy agency: ‘Do you want this?'” You were preparing to be your child. For nine months, you distance yourself from the creature“.

Carole Horlock said she prepares herself not to get emotionally involved with babies.

Carole Horlock said she prepares herself not to get emotionally involved with babies.

But in fait accompli, they had to make a very complex decision: what would they do if the couple returned it? And what to do now that they know it is biologically in them?

Carol and Paul, along with children from another couple

Paul (69) is Carole’s second wife (55). They have no children together, even though they both have had previous relationships.

Carole said she needed to have an honest conversation with her daughters about whether they would keep the baby or give it away for adoption. “Ultimately, it was Paul who decided. He said: ‘If they don’t want to, we’ll raise’. We decided that if they still love him and want to keep him, we will let him stay with them, ”he recounted the important moment.

“It was a very important decision. This child is different because I am with him too, and we don’t have a child yet. Although it was a stressful decision, I still think it was the right one for him and his ‘parents’.Paul thinks.

And she used an argument similar to Carol’s: “I spent nine months believing this baby belonged to the couple. I didn’t think she was mine nor did I put any emotion into the pregnancy. In fact, they are already starting to think about the next couple they will help, who will be Carol’s 14th child. “

record woman holds thirteenth baby through womb surrogacy.

record woman holds thirteenth baby through womb surrogacy.

“When I took care of my two daughters after their birth I loved them as a mother,” Carol added in the same line to understand her role in the story.

contact yes or no

After the couple adopted the boy, Carole said they continued to communicate by mail for several years. But the “relationship was completely broken” and the letters stopped.

“I interact with almost all of my surrogate babies, but not with him. As the years go by we always think of him. Paul had heart disease and my heart would break when I didn’t get to know him.”, Added the drama with additional information.

After using technology, the woman admitted that she saw a picture of herself, six or seven years old, on social media. on his mother’s Facebook profile. “It’s a natural curiosity if you have created a human being, I couldn’t contain myself”, he justified himself and he regretted not being able to talk to her.

Carol and Paul’s goal today is hopefully in June. “Once babies are adopted, you can register an interest and leave a letter for them to adopt. when they are 18 they will know who you are and if they want to contact you “, reports, and, of course, sent that letter. It remains only to wait a few months to see if another chapter can be written on this fascinating story.

Source: Clarin


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