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From what date will days on Earth last 25 hours?

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From the formation of planet Earth 4.5 billion ago of years the the length of days increased over time. This happens because the speed at which the Earth rotates around its axis is slower at certain times.

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1.5 billion years agoin the Precambrian, days lasted 19 hours, according to A study by Nature Geoscience explains it. It does too 66 million yearsin the age of dinosaurs, the the day reached 23 hours.

But specialists have revealed that from a certain date the days will add another 60 minutes.

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As the years passed, the days lasted more and more hours. As the years passed, the days lasted more and more hours.

Scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) in Germany have announced that they have managed to improve one of the instruments used to measure time.

With the help of this new, more accurate instrument, they were able to determine that there is an approximate date for knowing when the days will last the longest on planet Earth.

Since the days will last 25 hours

This tool created by German scientists is called ring laser gyroscopeis located at the Wetzell Geodetic Observatory.

This system is fundamental interpret the movements of the Earth. Scientists thus managed to improve the precision and discovered that the rotation of the Earth changes by 6 milliseconds approximately every two weeks.

With the gyroscope, specialists have concluded that planet Earth will begin to have days lasting 25 hours in 200 million years.

THE The rotation speed of the Earth It changes because it has dynamics that cause the rotation speed to accelerate or decelerate in millisecond fragments.

Source: Clarin

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