Since we were born we have heard, from time to time, angels. Or the angel. The little angel. The angel who protects you. The guardian angel.
Regardless of our family’s religious beliefs, the word angel appears very soon before us, with warmth, with security, with protection. Angels, it’s a very deep feeling as children, protect us.
Both Bible As the Koran and the Hinduismor talk about angels and archangels. Although the Bible mentions 7 archangels, only three are named in its pages: the archangel michael (Revelation 12:7-9); the archangel Gabriel (Gospel according to Saint Luke 1,11-20 and 26-38); AND Archangel Raphael (Tobit 12:6,15).
Angels and archangels are celestial beings, who we feel through faith, soul, spirituality, and who accompany us from the moment we are born throughout our lives. They will help us with each of our problems or doubts.
Of all the archangels of ancient scripture (Michael, Jophiel, Chamuel, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, and Zadkiel), the Church assigns each his own realm of action. But it is Saint Michael who has the most important place among the archangels.
“He is traditionally recognized as the guardian of the Christian armies against the enemies of the Church and as the protector of Christians,” explains the website of the Colombian Catholic Church.

For Catholicism, Saint Michael is the leader of the “armies of Yahweh”. He is represented with armor, a sword and the scales of the Last Judgment. And he is called “Prince of the heavenly spirits” or “Leader of the heavenly host.”
Prayer to the archangel Saint Michael to achieve prosperity and abundance

September 29th The Catholic Church celebrates the feast of the three Holy Archangels: Saint Michael, Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael. But beyond that day in the annual reminder, the archangels are always with us. And this is why so many times a year we ask Him for our lives.
To the Archangel Saint Michael, who has the task of protecting us and giving us power and strength, we ask more than once for prosperity and abundance for our lives and that of our family members. And since November we have offered him a wonderful prayer. But you can always pray.
Religious tradition usually tells us this The best way to invoke the archangel St. Michael is on Sunday, since that is St. Michael’s Day. And furthermore, since the color of Saint Michael is blue, On Sunday we can light a blue candle that will catch your attention.
Another way to reach him is to tell him your prayer for 21 days. If possible, starting on Sunday. But if we feel the need, we start asking him from one day to the next. Telling him and explaining to him what we need and then repeating his prayer for each of those 21 consecutive days.
What does the Prayer of Saint Michael say

Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.