Second Gospels, Martha She was the sister of Lazarus and Mary, all friends of Jesus Christ. His patronage of housewives has to do with the preparation of his house to welcome Jesus Christ and his twelve disciples in Bethany.
Witnessing the resurrection of her brother Lazarus, Martha told the Son of God that her sister Mary had left her in charge of the house. Jesus Christ consoled her with comforting words and, for this reason, she is revered as the protector of housewives.
But Santa Marta it is also known as the “patron saint of the impossible”. For this reason, in addition to being venerated every July 29th, in some countries many people pray to her on Tuesdays to ask for different causes.
The magical prayer to grant the most difficult requests
The house of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, located a few kilometers from Jerusalem, had been chosen by Jesus to spend the nights there as his enemies were wandering around the capital of Judea. From there, He and His apostles felt very comfortable, Santa Marta She was also consecrated protector of hoteliers.
His relationship with the “impossible” has to do with the following passage from the Gospel according to John. Martha says to Jesus, “Lord, if you had been here, my brother would not have died,” referring to Lazarus. Then, she asks him to return it to her alive and says, “But even now I know that whatever you ask of God, God will give it to you.” Jesus replies to him: «Your brother will rise again» (Jn 11,22-23).
The following prayer was raised by the Mothers of the Family to Santa Marta:
«O blessed Saint Martha, who many times had the honor and joy of hosting Jesus in the bosom of your family, of personally providing him with your domestic services, and who, together with your holy brothers Lazarus and Mary Magdalene, enjoyed the their divine conversation and doctrine, pray for me and for my family, so that peace and mutual love may be preserved in it, so that all its members live in observance of the Law of God, and so that only God reigns and not world or Sin in our home.
Free my family from all spiritual and temporal misfortune, help me in the care of my children and my subordinates, and grant me the joy of seeing them united under the paternal gaze of God on earth, of seeing them reunited again in the abodes of heaven.
So be it. Amen”.
Source: Clarin
Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.