In the United States, one in three people consume vitamin complexes to reinforce the amount of vitamins and minerals your body needs.
Many do it because they do sport and others because they feel tired and these products provide them with “energy”.
Vitamins and minerals keep the body functioning properly and guide several processes essential for daily life. A balanced nutritionAdditionally, it delays the wear and tear that cells undergo as a person ages.
And while a healthy diet is enough to ensure nutrition, a multivitamin complex can help meet daily needs of vitamins and minerals. However, you need to know how long they can be consumed.
How long can you take a vitamin complex?

THE US National Institutes of Health (NIH) state that these supplements “contain a combination of vitamins and minerals and sometimes other ingredients as well and which are known by different names such as multivitamins and multivitamins or, simply, vitamins.”
They add that “each of the minerals and vitamins that make up these supplements has a unique function in the body.” But they explain that”They should not replace the consumption of a variety of foods “which are important to a healthy diet” because, they say, “foods provide much more than vitamins and minerals and contain fiber and other ingredients that could be beneficial to your health.”
General guidelines indicate that most people do not need these supplements if they eat a balanced diet. Since diet should be the main source of nutrients and supplements should only be used as a support or a repeater. In specific cases, such as diagnosed nutritional deficienciesa healthcare professional may recommend prolonged use, always under your supervision.
A group of scientific researchers also warns this there is “not enough evidence” than the consumption of multivitamins or individual supplements help preventfor example, cardiovascular disease and cancer in adults.

Second Systematic review of 84 studies conducted by experts at Northwestern Universitycoming from the United States and published in the journal Jama-Clinical Review and Education, “only pregnant women and those about to become pregnant need essential vitamins (iron and folic acid)”.
He consumption time of a vitamin supplement is another factor to consider because some vitamins and minerals can accumulate in the body until they reach the level toxic levels and cause negative side effects. In extreme cases, it can even cause health problems.
From the blog of Atida clarify that this will be the time when you can consume a vitamin complex determined by its composition and, also, by the goal and lifestyle of those who ingest it. “An elite athlete, whose physical activity is very demanding, is not the same as a student during exams,” she points out. The company clarifies that, in the case of the student, it is likely that he will experience fatigue, not so much physical but mental.
In the packaging For vitamin complexes, there is usually a recommendation regarding the duration of use. If the product you choose does not include this recommendation, you must do so consult your personal doctor.
As a general rule, though, sure rest periods to taking vitamin complexes, because although the body needs specific help, at a certain moment it is not necessary. The general advice of specialists is to take them for two or three months and then suspend them for a similar period, as a break.

As for the nutritional needs, vary depending on age and gender. For example, women pregnant they may require specific supplements, as well as older adults. But it is always essential to adapt intake to individual needs and different stages of life.
The place Medline Plus warns that “any ingredient in a supplement can be toxic in large quantitiesbut the most serious risk comes from iron and calcium.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.