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How many hours before going to bed should you stop drinking water?

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We read it drink a lot of water It’s good for our health. The recommendation between 2 and 3 liters per day (30 milliliters for every kilo of weight) is one of the workhorses of all medical specialties.

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The fact is that we must give the body back what belongs to it. Drinking water means replacing the liquid that is wasted due to dehydration.

We are largely made of water. According to the article on the site Aquae FoundationHe percentage of water that makes us up It varies with age and gender, but an adult body contains between 55 and 65% water.

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This is used by our metabolism to digest food, circulate nutrients through the blood and then It is eliminated through urine and sweat. Simply breathing eliminates water.

For this reason, human beings cannot live more than 3 or 4 days without this element. THE dehydration It begins to inhibit all organic functions.

When should we drink water

Water before bed.  Some recommend it and some don't.  The reasons.  Photo: Bolovtsova/Pexels.Water before bed. Some recommend it and some don’t. The reasons. Photo: Bolovtsova/Pexels.

Although drinking water is essential for the body, it is also true that several have been created based on this need. myths and truths. State which time is appropriate and which is not relative to each organism’s individual situation, activity, and general health. According to the official website of Mayo Clinic, there is no single formula valid for everyone.

Thirst is the symptom of dehydration. Is critical respond to thirst with water. Many health professionals assure that a glass of water in the morning gets the metabolic system moving again, after physical activity you need to replenish what has been eliminated through sweat and a glass of water before meals helps digestion and nutrition in a moderate way.

The water we incorporate does not just come from the tap, but Aquae Foundation they assure it they perform the same function broths, juices, fruits and vegetables (some, like watermelon and spinach, are 100% water), and herbal teas. You just need to cut back on soft drinks that add sugar or drinks that add caffeine or sodium, advises the Mayo Clinic.

But drink water too much is also harmfulSince urine eliminates the amounts of sodium and potassium that our muscles need, excess sweat causes skin problems and can cause headaches and poor digestion.

Drink water at night

Waking up at night to go to the bathroom can have negative effects on our health.  Photo: Shutterstock.Waking up at night to go to the bathroom can have negative effects on our health. Photo: Shutterstock.

If drinking too much water has its negative implications, drink water in the evening, before going to sleep, it is not recommended. Why? Well, because the need to urinate interrupts your sleep and can cause insomnia. Many people have trouble getting back to sleep if they have had to get up to go to the bathroom.

Although some claim that a glass of water before going to sleep helps hydrate the body during those 8 hours of sleep we need, it is also true that for many it represents alter habitual patternswith the consequences that will be paid over the next day.

And if this disorder repeats itself every daynot only will there be fatigue or tiredness, but it can also happen to elderly people with psychological and emotional alterations.

A good option is drink more fluids during the dayrefrain from drinking water about 2 to 3 hours before sleeping and make sure to urinate before going to bed.

Source: Clarin

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