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When do you start to notice the effects of Pilates on the body?

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This discipline, created by Joseph Hubert Pilates in the 20th century, generates numerous benefits for the body visible from the first session. However, many people usually ask themselves this question when they begin the practice: When do you start to notice the effects of Pilates?

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As the weeks go by, the results and progress provided by this sporting practice increase. Of course, this will always depend on the consistency of the person performing the exercises, the number of times they perform them per week, the clear goals they have and the trainer they seek to guide them in this.

In general, it is recommended to do Pilates at least twice a week. And, also, that this discipline is accompanied by a healthy diet and some other type of cardio activity, such as walking, running, swimming or cycling.

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Pilates teacher, kinesiologist and physiatrist Luciana Ischia shows us three exercises that help improve sports performance.

Pilates: when you start to notice results

Specialists say that after a week you can already see how slightly increased body flexibility. Now, if the goal is to lose weight, it will take a little longer. If accompanied by a balanced diet, the results will be seen in a few months.

Regarding the strength that the body’s muscles can acquire, this can be seen more in the medium and long term. But the important thing is to know that with all these exercises that add strength, health and quality of life are gained, especially after a person turns 50.

When measuring flexibility and joint mobility, In just one 60 minute practice session you can already see how you have started to improve.

Pilates: when you start to notice resultsPilates: when you start to notice results

Weight loss may be the goal that takes the longest. On the other hand, doctors say that Pilates is good for losing weight, but that what gives the best results is cardio. Doing measured and controlled running routines is what works best when it comes to burning calories and shedding pounds. Pilates can be a good companion for toning the body.

Pilates generates an increase in strength and muscle mass. This is because, thanks to this discipline, neural adaptations are produced and subsequently muscular adaptations are generated.

If we continue to talk about Pilates times, during the first 12 weeks the improvement in muscle strength occurs exponentially, being able to see how from one session to the next you can do more repetitions of an exercise or maintain a posture for longer. This can also be compared to yoga as a practice.

When are the effects of Pilates seen? When are the effects of Pilates seen?

After these more than twelve weeks, improvements in this strength begin to be accompanied by an increase in muscle mass, both in the legs and arms and in the trunk or core.

Just like it was mentioned with the weight lossthis increase in strength and muscle mass also has a correlation with the type of diet you follow and whether you also add some type of cardiovascular activity.

Source: Clarin

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