Extracts from some plants have health benefitsas well as providing simple relaxation and pleasure in everyday life.
Both essential oils Like other plant compounds, they are extracted from aromatic species to exploit their properties in the environment aromatherapyan effective alternative medicine technique for respiratory health, as the site suggests Neumotec.
This practice is also used to accompany the cancer treatmentaccording to an article published on the portal of National Cancer Institute from the United States.
What do essential oils provide? They biochemical active They include alcohols (menthol, geraniol, thymol), esters, aldehydes, terpene mixtures (pinene, limonene), mucilages, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins or glycosides, which after being extracted from plants are condensed into liquids (essences).
Lavender is not only a beautiful plant for flavoring and decorating the home but it has multiple health benefits.
Benefits of essential oils
In some cases, essential oils are used such as food supplements or to treat minor ailments such as digestive problems, skin conditions or premenstrual syndrome. In others, to aromatize environments and be able to breathe in scents that promote rest and relaxation.

I am rejuvenate and improve the appearance of the skinthey keep in School of Specialization in Medicine and Health, based in Lérida, Spain. The institution highlights the following oils and their benefits:
Tea tree. Helps fight acne. You need to dilute a few drops of oil with a few drops of water and apply it with a cotton ball on the affected area. If you add a few drops to the shampoo, it can be used to remove nits.
Lavender. Fight insomnia and organize your sleeping hours. It is a natural sedative that lowers stress and anxiety levels. You have to inhale it directly from the bottle or perfume your pillow. Helps calm the symptoms of migraines and other headaches.
Sandal. It beautifies the skin and strengthens the hair. Simply add a few drops to your moisturizer, hair rinse or bath water.
Rosemary. Mix it with massage lotion. Relieves muscle and back pain and activates circulation. Inhalations reduce mental fatigue and improve concentration.

Marigold. It protects the skin and is antibacterial. It helps reduce blemishes and soothes burns and wounds, as well as being soothing and healing.
The place Body Mind He adds that volatile oils are found in most labiate plants, such as sage, rosemary, mint, marjoram and savory; in umbelliferae, such as parsley, coriander and anise; or in composites, such as yarrow and chamomile. And recommends the use of the following oils:
Mint. This oil is analgesic, anesthetic and antiseptic. It is recommended to calm migraines, rheumatism and cramps, toothaches and neuralgia. Opens the airways.
Jasmine oil. It is euphoric, aphrodisiac and tonic. It is recommended in case of sexual apathy, tiredness and stress. Soothes cramps and menstrual pain.
Geranium. Refreshing, deodorant and antidepressant. Calms the nerves, purifies the body, reduces premenstrual tension, tones the skin.
Benzoin. It is stimulating and balsamic. It decongests the respiratory tract, relieves flu and colds and is a diuretic.

Bergamot. Sedative, stimulant, purifying and antidepressant. Calms nerves and anxiety. It benefits the skin and softens acne.
Camphor. Analgesic, antiseptic, expectorant and refreshing. It soothes muscle pain, rheumatism, lumbago and contractures. It opens the bronchi and decongests in case of flu or cold.
Eucalyptus. It clears the airways and is anti-stress.
These oils can be inhale straight from the bottle or added to a diffuser to create a relaxing environment, the site indicates Zen corner.
You can also soak a cotton ball to apply to your chest and the insides of your elbows and knees, for example, or add a few drops to bath water, add to moisturizers and shampoos, or use as massage oils. They are healthy and for topical use. Its ingestion is not recommended.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.