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The simple recipe to make homemade laundry soap and save money

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Due to inflation and rising prices, more and more Argentines are choosing to do so economize and save some weight on products that can be created at home. One of them is the laundry soapwhich can be made with three inexpensive ingredients.

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In addition to saving money, it helps make laundry detergent with homemade products take care of the environment.

The consequences of conventional detergents on the environment and the skin.  Photo: iStock.The consequences of conventional detergents on the environment and the skin. Photo: iStock.

Likewise, laundry detergent can also cause skin problems long term. According to the website of Orbi Hygienethe fragrances of these soaps include elements such as phenol, glycerin and formaldehyde which could cause skin allergies when they come into contact with washed clothes.

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The homemade recipe for making laundry soap

Making laundry soap is much easier than it seems. They are just necessary three ingredients which are not expensive and can be found in any supermarket:

  • 200 grams of white soap.
  • 200 grams of sodium bicarbonate.
  • 1 cup of vinegar.
  • Waterfall.
Step by step to make homemade laundry soap.  Photo: iStock.Step by step to make homemade laundry soap. Photo: iStock.
  1. To get started, you have to grate the white soap on a container e dissolve it in two liters of hot water. The water should not boil.
  2. Then, add the bicarbonate of soda To the mix. This product helps maintain the color of clothes, soften them and balance the pH levels in the water.
  3. Add to the mixture the cup of vinegar carefully so as not to cause an effervescent reaction due to the bicarbonate.
  4. Mix all the ingredients and leave Cold.
  5. When the mixture is cold, add another two liters of hot water AND integrate it until you get the smooth consistency of laundry soap.

Source: Clarin

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