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Why jade tree leaves fall, according to experts

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Known as the money tree, the jade tree It is one of the plants most used by gardening enthusiasts to decorate interiors.

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In his opinion Feng Shui it’s a lucky charm which attracts prosperity, abundance and money into the home and which also focuses on harmonizing the energies in our environment.

THE Falling jade tree leaves It means that the plant is not in good condition and that something is wrong with its care.

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This succulent is characterized by slow growth and long life. Although it does not require much care, problems can sometimes occur.

Why do the leaves of the jade tree fall?

This succulent is characterized by having green and fleshy leaves They measure three to seven centimeters with thick branches and stems that give them the appearance of a tree.

THE reasons why jade tree leaves fall They can be various.

Despite your cure is simple and it is an ideal plant for those with little time, this does not mean that it is exempt from needing attention.

Jade tree dropping leaves may be linked to errors during watering.  Photo: iStockJade tree dropping leaves may be linked to errors during watering. Photo: iStock

According to gardening experts, Dropping leaves of a jade tree occurs for several reasons:

  • Excess or lack of watering: requires a moderate amount of water. Failure to water can cause the plant to wilt and dry out, causing the leaves to fall easily.
  • Poor drainage: Drainage ensures that water the plant doesn’t need doesn’t stagnate, preventing damage to the roots. That of this particular plant must be well ventilated to avoid the accumulation of fungi.
  • Bad brightness: They need an area with good lighting. When the season of the year prevents this from happening, such as in autumn, it is normal for the jade tree to lose its leaves due to lack of light.
  • Parasites: They are not always easy to spot, but constant examination will help you identify anything that is out of the ordinary. You may encounter scale insects and red spiders, fungi or mold.
  • Temperature contrasts: It needs an optimal temperature, which is between 13 and 24 degrees Celsius. Very cold weather can be deadly for the plant, just as very high temperatures can burn it.
What to do if leaves fall from the jade tree?  Photo: ShutterstockWhat to do if leaves fall from the jade tree? Photo: Shutterstock

Hills important before the leaves of the jade tree fall detect what is happening to the plant and solve the problem. If you can do this, it will most likely bloom again. You can also increase leaf growth by pruning.

Source: Clarin

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