A typical scene: you meet a person who interests you and seduces you, and you look for him compatibility of the zodiac signs.
To what extent do we agree on the fundamental aspects of life and on those little things that fill our daily lives?
It has the astrology a precise answer on compatibility? Well, it really depends on how deep you are willing to investigate.
We know that the the signs relate to each other like magnetsthat there is a relationship of attraction in some cases and repulsion in others.
But this is only one aspect, the one that contemplates ours solar sign.
However, we all have our behaviors, thoughts and emotions modified by other values that astrology contemplates in the deepest layers: our sign upward, Our moon sign and the position of each planet at the time of birth.
What does astrology say about my soulmate?
Checking the compatibility of the signs is useful in general terms, but only the overlap of the same two astrological charts they will be able to show us which stretches of the path we can travel together and at what moments they can move away.

Astrology also speaks “twin flame”, a loving, deep and karmic with a person who is not necessarily ours Romantic couple.
It’s more about someone you perceive know before sharing your life.
The difference between soulmate and twin flame is that you can find more than one soulmate, but your twin flame will be unique in your entire life and will accompany you in life. intense experiencesilluminating the deepest psychic aspects of every experience, even if this means highlighting one’s own flaws and insecurities.
He Women’s health site shows us in a detailed article the way to know if we are faced with that person who will be mirror and vehicle of your spiritual growth; a path that goes a little beyond the comparison between sun signs.

The guidelines that the portal provides us are to observe specific signals that only occur between twin flames.
- Magnetism. The attraction towards him is irresistible, intense and inevitable. It’s a predestined connection.
- Affinity. Before you delve into the relationship, you feel a sense of familiar security with that person.
- Knowledge. They may have met recently on life’s journey, but you feel like you’ve known them forever.
- Connection. There is deep psychic communication and energy flows mutually from one to the other.
- Positivity. You feel that the other brings out the best in you and you surprise yourself by discovering new aspects of your personality.
- Growth. That special person can also reflect your fears and insecurities, and their presence helps you control and channel them. They experience the relationship as a challenge that helps them grow mutually.
Soulmates may share some of these signs, but twin flames meet once in a lifetime and are our guides spiritual growth.
Many times they are great friends and do not necessarily make a romantic couple.
And to know for sure if you are dealing with a soulmate or a twin flame, it’s better to do both astrological charts and ask an astrologer to analyze them.
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.