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What are the little-known benefits of orange juice and how often to drink it

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Orange juice is one of the most widely accepted and easy to consume natural options. The possibilities of obtaining this fruit, its very familiar flavor and simplicity of preparation are some of its favorable attributes. But, moreover, he did health benefits which are not as widespread or well known.

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The reality is that, thanks to his important contribution of C vitaminit is always associated with the power to push away cold and flu and keep the high defenses.

But these are not its only attributes. As we read in the note from Mundo Deportivo, he also possesses the following virtues.

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Helps delay aging

The reason is the presence of substances antioxidants As the flavonoids which counteract free radicals. This influences the better condition of the skin and the prevention of chronic diseases.

It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed orange juice Photo: Unplash.It is recommended to drink freshly squeezed orange juice Photo: Unplash.

Contributes to the elimination of fats

Because of its content B complex vitamins, promotes the disposal of lipids. Furthermore, by influencing the elimination of liquids, it is important to regulate blood sugar.

Reduces abdominal inflammation

The reasons: it stimulates the production of bile and has a significant amount of fiber. On the other hand, since it has few calories, it is attributed slimming properties.

Promotes better digestion

Orange juice is an antioxidant Photo: Shutterstock.Orange juice is an antioxidant Photo: Shutterstock.

Its citric acids counteract slow digestion and improve intestinal transit.

Activation of the renal system

Since it helps to eliminate accumulated toxins more easily.

How to take advantage of its benefits

The note from Mundo Deportivo recommends preparing it without adding water or sugar and consuming it immediately, to avoid oxidation.

It should also be taken on an empty stomach; either before or after meals and therefore improve digestion.

Regarding the quantity, the note recommends not to exceed two glasses a day. While if the acid of the fruit causes discomfort, it is best to distance it.

It is worth adding that these recommendations are indicative and do not replace medical consultation or treatment.

Source: Clarin

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