Álvaro Mutis was a Colombian novelist, poet and journalist, regarded as one of the most important contemporary Hispanic American writers. He lived most of his life in Mexico, where he also died on September 22, 2013 due to a respiratory illness.
His connection with journalism began in the early 1940s, after he got his first job on the radio. The new worldprogram director Literary news.
Influenced by surrealist writers, Mutis begins to do so publishes his first poems as a supplement to the newspaperuntil he managed to publish his first collection of poems The balance.
In recognition of his great works and his contribution to Spanish literature, Álvaro has received numerous awards, including the Cervantes Prize in 2001 and the Neustadt International Literature Prize in 2002.

The best phrases of Álvaro Mutis
- “The true tragedy of growing old is that inside us there remains an eternal boy who does not register the passage of time.”
- “I’m a resigned skeptic. But in that skepticism there is sometimes happiness.”
- “The sea is the most important thing in the world. You have to know how to see it, follow its changes in mood, listen to it, smell it. Do you know why? For a very simple thing that everyone thinks they know but I don’t. I don’t think they fully understand it : because life was born there, we emerged from there and there a part of us will always be submerged among the algae and the abyss of darkness.”
- “Any relationship, especially at the beginning, is made up of oddities. With books it’s like with women and friends: you have to have patience to understand and love them. No relationship is easy at the beginning.”
- “Compulsory reading is disastrous. To the young people here, never read anything out of obligation. Read for pleasure, have a deep suspicion. If a book bores you, remember me, close it and don’t continue reading, and if it is If possible , throw it away. Read when you feel the book starting to become part of you, when you feel like a business is being created. Any book that isn’t a business is already suspect.”
- “We come from a certain land with a past, with a destiny that marks us. Erasing it means erasing our human condition.”
Source: Clarin

Mary Ortiz is a seasoned journalist with a passion for world events. As a writer for News Rebeat, she brings a fresh perspective to the latest global happenings and provides in-depth coverage that offers a deeper understanding of the world around us.