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What happens in the body when you practice rhythmic gymnastics

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THE rhythmic gymnastics It is a discipline in which one’s own weight is used as a requirement, whose exercises have multiple variations of squats, push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, jumps, etc. What happens to my body when I practice this sport?

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It is not enough to say that these exercises and one’s weight serve to define calisthenics as we know it today, since this It is a derivation of very ancient disciplines.

In fact, although it may seem new, it was already practiced by the ancient Romans: the word calisthenics comes from Greek kalos (beauty and stenos (Force).

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With rhythmic gymnastics you work your whole body with your own weight.  Photo: Pexels.With rhythmic gymnastics you work your whole body with your own weight. Photo: Pexels.

Perhaps, the best definition of rhythmic gymnastics today is the so-called “outdoor training“, which is normally Practice in groups and in squares or parkstaking advantage of urban equipment.

Rhythmic gymnastics is designed to improve strengthflexibility, agility, balance, coordinationany aerobic conditioning. That is, almost all the skills needed to be fit.

What happens in the body when I do rhythmic gymnastics exercises?

It is a series of simplified exercises derived from sports gymnastics, which highlight the importance of performing them correctly. proper way.

It also gets harder over time, as it’s not the same thing to do push-ups, planks or pull-ups, rather than doing them with one hand or with different grips.

Calisthenics involves using the entire body and not emphasizing some muscles over others. It is a complete training that allows work all your muscles.

They perform rhythmic gymnastics in the parks of Buenos Aires.  Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros / Archive.They perform rhythmic gymnastics in the parks of Buenos Aires. Photo: Rafael Mario Quinteros / Archive.

What is certain is that when you start (the results will be seen from the second week), with calisthenics you will increase your resistance, muscle strength and improve your mood.

Additionally, you will see increased the speed of reaction, you will burn fat, increase flexibility levels and correct body posture and balance. It is worth remembering that, like any sport or exercise, physical activity must be accompanied by good nutrition and good rest.

Furthermore, if you intend to start an exercise routine, it is always best to consult a specialist to plan it, and your doctor to establish whether or not it is good to do that exercise. Every body is different.

Muscle development and joint strengthening

This training allows you to achieve increase muscle mass at the same time as performing cardiovascular work.

Experts believe it is an ideal workout to also work on physical strength, agility, coordination and flexibility.

It also helps strengthen the joints thanks to the movements performed during practice.

Routine for training using the strength of your body.  Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami / Archive.Routine for training using the strength of your body. Photo Guillermo Rodríguez Adami / Archive.

In addition to reducing joint pain and strengthening them, they also reduce the risk of sustaining injuries when playing other sports. Rhythmic gymnastics also promotes the flexibility of the muscles, exercising them in a challenging way combat atrophy.

Muscles are worked based on knowledge of the body and its natural and primitive movements. It works on all types of muscle fibers and joints.

To all this we must add the plus that it can be done anywhere, with few elements, in the squares or at home.

Source: Clarin

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