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Archangel Michael: how to receive his protection according to spirituality

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Leader of the armies of God or of the celestial militia, according to Catholicism, the archangel Michael has always been represented with the armour, the sword and the scales of the Last Judgment.

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The most powerful of the archangels, then, is invoked to overcome every type of adversity.

Protector of the attack of “dark forces”, his name appears only in Apocalypse and is one of the three archangels mentioned in the Gospels of the Bible (the other two are Gabriel and Raphael).

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But these mentions were enough to make him the recipient of multiple ones intentions since the power of archangels or protective angels is necessary in the most difficult moments.

Archangel Michael: how to receive his protection according to spirituality

In the passage of Apocalypse He says: “Then a battle broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the Dragon.” (12,7-9). In the Christian tradition, l Archangel Michaelhe had four missions principal.

Michael is one of the three archangels mentioned in the Bible.  Photo: public domainMichael is one of the three archangels mentioned in the Bible. Photo: public domain

As explained by Catholic EncyclopediaFirst of all, Michael had to fight against Satan.

Then, save the souls of the faithful of the enemy, especially at the hour of death.

Be the “champion of the people of God”as patron of the Church and of the order of knights, and calls from the earth and brings the souls of men to judgment.

His role in fight against evil gave it a special status as divine protector for many years.

Throughout history, spiritual teachings have provided guidelines on how to do this Connect with the archangel Michael a receive his protection.

Various spiritual traditions offer rituals, prayers and meditations specific actions intended to invoke its presence.

Archangel Michael is the divine protector.  Photo: ACI Prensa.Archangel Michael is the divine protector. Photo: ACI Prensa.

Among Christians, the best way to invoke him is Sundaysince He Michaelmas Day. Furthermore, since its color is bluelighting a candle of that tone on a Sunday will certainly attract their attention.

Another way to access it is through the recitation of your prayer during 21 daysif possible, starting on Sunday.

In any case, if a shortage occurs, the prayer can begin on any day to be repeated in the aforementioned period.

What is the Prayer of Archangel Michael like?

For 21 days you pray to Archangel Michael for protection.  Photo: Shutterstock.For 21 days you pray to Archangel Michael for protection. Photo: Shutterstock.

How to connect with Archangel Michael through Keditation and Spirituality

THE meditationmeanwhile, it appears as a powerful tool for establishing a deeper connection with spiritual entities such as Archangel Michael.

There are several techniques meditation designed to facilitate spiritual connection and open the door to divine protection.

Meditation is another way to invoke the archangel Michael.  Photo: FreepikMeditation is another way to invoke the archangel Michael. Photo: Freepik

Of course, spirituality must not be limited to specific moments, but must be integrated into daily life.

The protection of Archangel Michael can extend to all areas of life, from health to personal and professional relationships.

Source: Clarin

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