Home World News The strange sea creature captured by the photographer as a sex toy

The strange sea creature captured by the photographer as a sex toy

The strange sea creature captured by the photographer as a sex toy

The strange sea creature captured by the photographer as a sex toy

The image provoked the comment of hundreds of followers of the Russian photographer’s Instagram account.

The deep sea is an incredible box of surprises: thousands of strange creatures live in this world of water and ocean. And the photographer’s lens has the ability to bring them to the surface. A Russian fisherman and photographer posted on his social networks a surprising and strange creature from the depths of the ocean, in what many described as a forbidden sex toy.

Roman Fedortsov is an avid fisherman from Russia and regularly shares on social media the strange and mysterious things he discovers while fishing at sea. Her Instagram account is rfedortsov_official_account.

Although he regularly displays his caught cod, haddock and mackerel, he sometimes fishes more than 900 meters deep. And along that path he encountered some strange things, like a mysterious fish whose imagination approaches sexual thoughts.

Here’s how he shared these amazing creatures on his Instagram account-which has more than 650,000 followers-: one orange mushroom-shaped specimen, another resembling a donut, and even photos of a mare.

In his account he also shared the findings of a “dragon-like” fish, with large eyes and wing shape, with praise from dozens of users for his “educational” posts .

But the 39-year-old’s latest unusual finding has caught particular attention: In his latest Instagram post, he posted a video of the strange creature, with a caption: “And such ‘unusual’ representatives of the underwater world are caught in the trap.”

The video captured a bulbous, neutral -colored creature with what seemed to be a hole at the bottom. And nearly 400 comments on the post and over 10,000 likes, and some find humor in his appearance.

“The Forbidden Light of the Flesh”written by a commenter, referring to a sex toy worn by men, it is shaped like a strange creature. Another user commented: “Okay, this is clearly a sex toy.” And the third said, “I hate my brain,” reports Daily Star.

The image Roman Fedortsov uploaded to his Instagram account.

The image Roman Fedortsov uploaded to his Instagram account.

what is the light of the flesh

Users associate the strange creature with a sex toy called fleshlight, the brand name of the world’s most famous male masturbator. It mimics the texture of a pussy and was designed by Steve Shubin in 1997.

Fleshlight is a sex toy that represents a wearable artificial penis. Its design is inspired by a flashlight because it is a tool commonly used by men, easy to manage and compact. It measures approximately 10 inches long and 4 inches wide and requires no batteries or electricity to run, the site reports. pleasure to know.

Beyond the unique association of photos, the fisherman and photographer were praised on the networks for sharing his findings. As one user said: “Most of us will never see or know about the world in the deep ocean.”

Source: Clarin


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