Home World News Jair Bolsonaro once again crossed over to Leonardo DiCaprio: “It’s better to keep your mouth shut”

Jair Bolsonaro once again crossed over to Leonardo DiCaprio: “It’s better to keep your mouth shut”

Jair Bolsonaro once again crossed over to Leonardo DiCaprio: “It’s better to keep your mouth shut”

Jair Bolsonaro once again crossed over to Leonardo DiCaprio:

Bolsonaro warns DiCaprio to “keep his mouth shut”

Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro told Leonardo DiCaprio on Tuesday that it was better “shut your mouth”in reference to the criticism made by the American actor about his government for the high value of Amazon deforestation and environmental policy in general.

“DiCaprio was posting pictures from 20 years ago; now, DiCaprio needs to know that the president-director of the WTO himself (the director-general of the World Trade Organization, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala) has said that if nothing Brazilian agribusiness the world will go hungry So DiCaprio would rather keep his mouth shut than leave a lot of nonsense is being talked about there“, he assured in front of a group of supporters, reported the local newspaper Correio Braziliense and re -created the agency Telam.

The far -right president also said that Brazil’s agricultural sector is “an example for the world” in environmental protection and is useless “lying videos burned by Amazonthat the climate will change, that won’t work, ”Bolsonaro said, the Sputnik agency reported.

On April 29, DiCaprio made a Twitter post asking Brazilian youth to regularize their voter title to vote in the next presidential election, as Amazon’s future is at stake, pointing to a possible victory by Bolsonaro.

On May 2, the actor re-posted about young people need to vote and the Brazilian president responded by saying Brazilians would decide whether they wanted to retain sovereignty over the Amazon or follow “thieves who serve foreign interests.”

Bolsonaro vs. DiCaprio, a long -running confrontation

In November 2019, the Brazilian president accused the actor of funding Brazilian entities of “burning Amazon”, even without presenting evidence of his accusation.

“Now, Leonardo DiCaprio is kind, isn’t he? Giving money to burn Amazon“, Bolsonaro told a group of voters in front of his official residence, the Alvorada Palace, in Brasilia.

Bolsonaro has again been indicted against non-government organizations and environmental activists, whom the president accuses of being behind the recent fires in the Amazon region.

“But when I said there were suspicions of NGOs, what did the press do to me?” Bolsonaro asked.

In a broadcast on his social networks, Bolsonaro did not directly link the actor “Titanic” to these fires.

“Someone took a picture (of the llamas), sent it to an NGO, the NGO contacted Leonardo DiCaprio and he donated $ 500,000“said the head of state.

“Leonardo DiCaprio, you you are cooperating with the Amazon fires“, complete.


Source: Clarin


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