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A prisoner accused of killing his wife has won the primary election and can practice from his cell

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A prisoner accused of killing his wife has won the primary election and can practice from his cell

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Andrew Wilhoite could appear in November. Photo: Boone County Sheriff’s Office

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Andrew Wilhoite he was accused of killing his wife Elizabeth and throwing her body into a creek. He is in jail without bail. There is no favor here. However, 60 people recognized him: he won the Republican primary in Indiana and in the near future may hold a seat on the Clinton Township Boardin Boone County.

The 40-year-old won his seat on May 3 and secured a seat in the November election just for running. There are three seats for Republican candidates and only three have been signed up. It is noteworthy that of these three got the lowest vote (they did not compete against any Democrat).

The other two candidates who competed on the Republican ticket were Bradley J Smithwho got 110 votes, and Michael Young, which garnered 106 votes. A total of 276 Clinton municipality residents voted.

Wilhoite will go on trial in August.  Photo: Boone County Sheriff's Office

Wilhoite will go on trial in August. Photo: Boone County Sheriff’s Office

the murder

Wilhoite was arrested on March 26. The politician, who has served in Clinton Township since Jan. 26, will only be eligible for an administrative position unless he or she has been convicted or moved out of the district.

Candidates have until July 15 to remove their names on the ballot. This way, Wilhoite will not be able to contest if, after his trial in August, he is found guilty.

“Under our legal system every person is innocent until proven guilty. If a candidate is ultimately convicted, then depending on the timing of that conviction, the person can be replaced on the ballot by the political party with a vacancy, ”he said. Brad Kingco-director of the Indiana Division of Elections, in the Indianapolis Star.

“If you remain in jail without conviction at the time of your swearing in, you can perform your duties from prison,” King said, emphasizing that there is no law prohibiting an incarcerated person from “performing duties of their office. “

If that happens, officers will have to make a decision and it all “depends on the facts,” King said.

State police officials said Wilhoite hit his wife on the head with a blunt object after arguing with her. The woman would have lost consciousness and she would have put her body in a car and taken it to the stream, where she would have dumped it. Elizabeth’s body was found a day after the attack, partially submerged.

Source: Clarin

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