Home World News “My wife is gay, but I don’t care”

“My wife is gay, but I don’t care”

“My wife is gay, but I don’t care”

Matthew Neilson is 33 years old and gay; Brynn Embley, 35, straight. They got married, had children and were happy even with sex.

Brynn Embley is 35 years old and lives in Michigan with her husband matthew neilson, 33 years old. They have two daughters and she said partnered sex is good, even though her husband is gay. It looks strange, but it is. Brynn told the English press that their relationship may not have been normal, but they were very happy.

There are couples who typically violate classic social stereotypes. They are unconventional and even the unfolding of their history is not without attention. And an example that came out in the media was this marriage: he was homosexual, he was heterosexual and they announced their formula for build a happy family and “have good sex.”

The woman describes herself as heterosexual, while her husband is identified as gay or pansexualwho still acknowledged that she was “more attracted to men than women”.

Matthew had never had sexual relations before his marriage, neither with men nor with women.

Matthew had never had sexual relations before his marriage, neither with men nor with women.

Religion and sexuality

According to what he says in the newspaper The dayMatthew dated men and women before marriage in 2017, but never had sex with anyone… not even with his current wife.

And despite admitting that she didn’t know if she would still enjoy being intimate with him, she married Brynn and they became parents. Insecurity can hover sometimes, especially considering that physical chemistry isn’t the center, but who isn’t.

They are both members of Church of Jesus Christ and of Latter -day Saints, a faith that disapproves of same-sex relationships. For example, Matthew expressed that a strong motivation for dating women is that he doesn’t have to be single and unmarried forever.

Brynn met Matthew for the first time at church in early 2016 and after some dating, she revealed that she has been attracted to men since her youth.

The couple’s happiness, along with their two children Amandine and Geneva.

The couple’s happiness, along with their two children Amandine and Geneva.

Because of cultural mandates, he said, he dated women throughout his twenties … and at all times he was faithful to his orientation. Not surprisingly, he got all sorts of responses from the other side: some tried and some fled when they heard it.

Confessions and reactions

Because of his past experiences, Matthew was very nervous about what Brynn would think. But to his surprise, he barely shrugged at his truth.

“He looked at me and said ‘Brynn, I’m gay.’ He looks very serious, or he seems to be looking for some reaction from me, but i don’t care “ reconstructs once the woman living in Ypsilanti, a city located in Washtenaw County.

“It’s just not a big deal. he is with me, his choice, what else is important? I know we don’t have a strong chemical attraction like I experienced with another boyfriend, but I don’t care, ”she says candidly.

The couple got married in 2017.

The couple got married in 2017.

The woman’s reflection fades further. “I know he thinks I’m attractive and he’s attracted to me, and his sexual orientation doesn’t invalidate those things,” she said. And stretching: “I’m really happy to have a relationship where the main point is want and respect us as human beings“.

They dated a few months before he ended their relationship, in part because Matthew had intense feelings for a man. “I don’t think I really had a lot of emotional bandwidth back then because I was still trying to deal with my strong feelings for another guy,” he confessed.

It seemed unfair then for the two to continue the relationship if he wasn’t sure of that basic attraction. Because of that, they remained friends, but even Brynn’s then-boyfriend said they had chemistry and started dating again in September 2017.

Special connection to the couple

Mateo, postdoctoral researcher in psychology, revealed: “It’s really a leap of faith, because I’m still not sure what sex will be with Brynn, or any woman. But we trust that other elements of our relationship are there and if that part is more difficult, we can work together. ”

Married to their first child.  Now they say that sex between them is great.

Married to their first child. Now they say that sex between them is great.

Her husband only confirms the view. “Had both feel full and complete happinessas if he were my man ”, he judged without hesitation about the sexual connection.

And there again the man with the generous beard faced the floor: “I tried to be as open as I could, and I’m not sure if I would enjoy having sex with him., Holding hands and kissing”, for example niya.

Unconventional couples in the eyes of others grow their relationship with therapy and weekly sex discussions scheduled every Thursdaywhere they offer comments and advice.

“I think there are more people who are gay, bi, pan, or whatever than they openly talk about,” Brynn said. liking, fitting and filling with each other is more central to a lasting relationship.

At first Matthew and Brynn were hesitant but now they say that sex works between them.

At first Matthew and Brynn were hesitant but now they say that sex works between them.

“Sex is good”

The uncertainty that repeatedly swirled in Matthew’s head because of his inexperience in the field of sexual relationships had his good news: “And it turns out that the sex thing works greatso everything went well! ”

She said she didn’t really know how strong her gender orientation was, because even though she was more attracted to men in general, there were some girls who were a bit tickled by her.

“I had a strong motivation to try really hard to make it work on a woman; I didn’t want to be alone and not get married for the rest of my life“American recognition.

In addition, he puts a situation on the table: “I’ve heard gay men say they can’t imagine trying to have sex with a woman, and I’ve never felt that way,” he says, continuing to show that he is clearly not the strongest part of his relationship with Brynn.

Matthew Neilson is 33 years old and gay;  Brynn Embley, 35, straight.

Matthew Neilson is 33 years old and gay; Brynn Embley, 35, straight.

The couple went to Manti, Utah, at last married on December 27, 2017, and they finally had intimacy with each other. “Now, we enjoy sex and togetherness that way, it’s a relief!

In all honesty to the world, Brynn explained that she would be stressed if they didn’t have sex several times a week, because she thought Matthew might not be happy with it. “Not the case, and I’m trying to remember that if we’re both sexually satisfied, that’s all that matters“, confirmation.

The couple explained that sincerity and communication are also key in bed. “We share if we need more, if there’s anything others can do to help be a better part of our marriage, and so on,” Brynn specifies without blushing.

Happy couple with two daughters

The couple has been together for four years, happy and monogamous, and have two daughters: Amandine, two years old, and Geneva, one.

“Our religion teaches that marriage is only between a man and a woman. Anyway, we also want our children to be happy and healthy.” unsure of who they are and what or to whom they choose and are attracted“, pose as a point of dispute.

The four were happy: the couple and their two girls.

The four were happy: the couple and their two girls.

There are some people who make assumptions about Brynn and Matthew’s relationship that are deliberately wrong. So they try to focus only on the positive, and avoid getting discouraged by the negative comments.

“We are very happy in this peculiar, unique and sublime relationship,” said those who shared their story on Instagram at @gayprofessordad.

Source: Clarin


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