Home World News Friday the 13th: simple rituals to attract luck and avoid curses

Friday the 13th: simple rituals to attract luck and avoid curses

Friday the 13th: simple rituals to attract luck and avoid curses

Friday the 13th: simple rituals to attract luck and avoid curses

The number 13 has a lot of negative charges Photo description Shutterstock.

Friday the 13th is a day ignored by the superstitious. Especially since it will be just one in 2022.

The reasons for so much resistance are varied and not very clear. According to the note from the site La Opinion, there are those who say it is related to Jesus ’last supper. On that day, the twelve apostles were at the table. Number 13 is Judas, who sold the messiah.

There is also talk of a brutal repression begun by King Philip IV against the Knights Templar.

Closer to the time and date of installation, a 13th FridayIn 1972, a plane crash occurred while the Uruguayan rugby team was traveling in Chile.

In these data, instead of giving up apparently, there are certain customs or practices that, according to their followers, will help change this stigma and the discouraging.


There are rituals to change the energy of Friday the 13th Photo illustration Shutterstock.

There are rituals to change the energy of Friday the 13th Photo illustration Shutterstock.

Rituals for Friday the 13th

To give another meaning to the date, the newspaper La Opinion provides several possible options to implement.

– For additional protection, the recommendation is to light a couple of white candles and place sprigs of thyme, rosemary, saffron and a little salt next to them in a green bag. When the candles run out, the amulet is always at hand.

If you are looking for that option clean the house, the Wapa.pe site recommends a versatile alternative. The necessary elements are as follows: a container for boiling water, a resistant bottle or bowl, rosemary, a cinnamon stick and sugar (to keep luck) or salt (when you want to remove a bad streak).

As a rule, all ingredients should be boiled. Let stand and pour the liquid into the glass container. Then take a walk in your house to let the steam “clean”. Leave the liquid somewhere in the house for the effect to continue.

Other Options to cleanse energies is what Lúa Meiga suggested. To implement them, you need a candle, pencil, bay leaf.

In 2022, there will only be one Friday the 13th Photo Shutterstock.

In 2022, there will only be one Friday the 13th Photo Shutterstock.

Then, imaginatively draw on the candle some symbol with personal meaning or of the moment in which you live (you can use Google to find the right one). The tip of the pencil can be used.

Light a candle and walk into the corners of the house repeating: “Creatures of light that bring me beautiful vibration, I appreciate your help and I ask that you feed my home the same great energy. May reconciliation reign and no evil energy remain. “

When this step is done. burn a bay leaf with a candle flame, while seeing all the positive moments of yourself or with the people living in the house.

Finally, let the candle go out.

What not to do on the 13th of Friday?

There are also some actions that should be avoided. Among them, the Wapa.pe site offers the following:

– Do not wear green underwear.

– Avoid sweeping the house, because the broom is a bad sign.

– Also does not wash or change blankets.

Other actions not recommended: go under the stairs, break glass or sit at a table with 13 people, according to WeMystic.

Source: Clarin


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