Alysha Shobe in Cincinnati, Ohio ate sweet potatoes and pumpkins every meal for six months to lose weight. His skin was deformed.
Eating a balanced diet is absolutely essential to your health and well-being. Previously, vegetarian diets were considered inadequate due to the lack of certain nutritional principles provided by meat. But over time, that perception has changed, and today, well-implemented plans can meet all nutritional requirements. Therapeutic benefits For those who say no to meat.
However, those who eat this way are advised to see a doctor during major changes.Dietitians who help know how to cover the nutritional principles provided by those protein foods are the key to success, otherwise what happened Alysha Shobe, Cincinnati, Ohio, People who ate pumpkin and sweet potatoes (Also called sweet potato in many countries Every meal for 6 months to lose weight (from Latin America).
Shobe cut himself And after a painful farewell to a couple who defocused on many aspects of her life, she began a diet to lose weight. First, he completely eliminated processed foods and added its orange binomial to each of the meals or vials he ate.

In 2019, Alysha Shobe dropped out and ate sweet potatoes and pumpkins every meal for six months to lose weight. The results were not measured.
The 34-year-old sales assistant said:Started in the fall of 2019 I really liked it when I got angry with the boy. I decided to lose weight, so I ate a lot of pumpkins and sweet potatoes every day. “
“I’ve always really liked these two vegetables because they fill me and satisfy my sweet teeth. But I’m crazy. I’m a sweet potato and pumpkin puree I only ate. After a while, I started to notice slight changes in my skin, but at first I got a tan instead of an orange. “The woman says.

Alysha Shobe in Cincinnati, Ohio, ate sweet potatoes and pumpkins for six months and all turned orange.
Her remarkable change was from the fourth month when her friends and relatives began to warn her of something. She said, “I was repeatedly told that she turned orange at first. I was a teacher at the time, but I was asked if my liver was okay for my child. I didn’t care about her skin. but, My mother was angry, He yelled at me that he was always wearing orange. “

After eating pumpkins and sweet potatoes for four to six months, Alisha Chauvet’s hands turned completely orange.
So Alisha decides to consult a doctor and takes advantage of the fact that she has already lost weight as she wishes, she leaves the strict regimen, takes in other foods and ingests her two favorites. I reduced the amount and started eating a more balanced diet. “I still eat it. It’s cheap and delicious. I don’t use as much as before I’m not particular about calories. “
Benefits of vegetarianism
* It provides a small amount of saturated fat (harmful to arteries and heart) that comes primarily from industrialized foods.
* They are a very low cholesterol diet.

Plant-based diet. Veganism and vegetarianism must always be balanced and professionally involved.
* It provides large quantities of complex carbohydrates, including fiber (healthy sugar), such as potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, rice (especially whole grains), quinoa, burger wheat, pasta, and whole wheat bread.
* They are rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytochemicals (the protective nutrients plants provide to us).
* The contribution of omega-6 fatty acids (canola oil, sunflower oil, corn oil, soybean oil, etc.) is high.
The Disadvantages of vegetarian diet They are performed without a guide that allows you to learn food combinations and exchanges, without knowledge of proper food management, or when they are too strict to limit too many foods. Exists when There are many types of vegetarian food.
The vegetarian diet can be divided into four groups, thus balancing the food.
* Group A: Whole grains, cereals: oats, wheat, rye, barley, corn, millet, rice and their derivatives.
* Group B: Peanuts, legumes: lentils, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, broad beans, pea beans.
* Group C: Dried fruits: pistachios, walnuts, almonds, paranuts, hazelnuts, seeds: pumpkin, sunflowers, sesame seeds, poppies.
* Group D: Green vegetables, all vegetables and fruits.

Vegan food is 100% vegetable derived.
To get Amino acid balance, Group A foods should be used freely and combined with the other three groups. If you do not consume Group A foods, the mixture is unbalanced and needs to be supplemented with eggs or dairy products. The most common combination is A / DYA / B / C.
Source: Clarin