Simian pox, already infected with misinformation and gossip

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Disease “caused by vaccines”, “developed by Bill Gates”: the recent emergence of monkeypox cases outside Africa is already causing a lot of misinformation, gossip and conspiracy on the Internet, which is largely mimicked by umiikot na. since 2020 around COVID-19.

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Smallpox is one of the side effects of AstraZeneca, say Internet users, a misinformation that is particularly prevalent around the world. As a evidencethey argue that a chimpanzee adenovirus was used to create a vaccine against COVID-19.

But experts interviewed by the AFP explain that it is absolute no basis and the two pathogens are unrelated because they belong to different families of viruses [poxvirus pour la variole simienne et adénovirus pour le vaccin COVID]. Not this it is not possible for this adenovirus to change virus responsible for monkeypox, explains Teresa Lambe, professor of immunology at the University of Oxford.

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The adenovirus is used in the vaccine as a vector, i.e. as a simple vehicle to carry genetic instructions to the vaccine cells, which can create its immune response against COVID-19. And like other so -called vaccines viral vectorthe adenovirus was modified so as not to infect the body of the vaccine, they added.

Finally, monkeypox owes its name to the fact it was first discovered in macaques in 1958, but it is not unique to this species, says the National Institute of Health and Medical Research. (INSERM). It is also found in rodents, for example.

In 2021, the NTI (Nuclear Threat Initiative), an American organization specializing in the prevention of nuclear and bacteriological hazards, organized a simulation of a monkeypox epidemic. The date chosen for this fictional scenario? May 2022. This opportunity is widely used to assert or indicate that the proliferation of monkeypox cases has been fixed.

Because the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is one of the many contributors to the NTI, the American billionaire – who has been the target of numerous conspiracies for years – has, moreover, been accused of being behind this new health alert. .

For exercise purposes, we wanted to select a pathogen that was possible in our scenario, and we selected monkeypox from several options offered by our experts.explanation of the NTI, pointing that out the risks posed by monkeypox have been well documented for many years by many health authorities.

What you should remember [de la simulation de 2021, NDLR]it is not the specific pathogen [choisi] in our fictional scenario [mais] the fact that the world is completely unprepared for future pandemics and that we must act urgently to remedy this vulnerabilityadded the organization.

The Rumors of Doxycycline

A similar rumor spread in 2020 about COVID-19, based on a simulated coronavirus outbreak conducted in 2019.

Many publications say that doxycycline, an antibiotic cures monkeypox in two days is prohibited by order of the Ministry of Health. This is wrong: the official text does not say that, it allows vaccination – in some particular cases – of people exposed to the monkeypox virus, and does not mention doxycycline.

Moreover, doxycycline is not considered a treatment for this disease, as explained by some AFP experts, if only because it is an antibiotic used to fight bacteria and not viruses. However, if necessary, antiviral drugs [comme le tecovirimat] can be used against monkeypox, remind doctors and health authorities.

France Media Agency

Source: Radio-Canada

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