Nuclear: Iran responds to a Western resolution to the IAEA

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The tone is rising on the Iranian nuclear file: the United States and the Europeans adopted with the IAEA a resolution on Wednesday formally calling on Tehran to order, against a backdrop of deadlock in negotiations to save 2015 that agreement.

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In response, the Islamic Republic had earlier removed surveillance cameras installed by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Washington immediately warned that this decision was in jeopardy more complicated the talks in Vienna, which have been suspended since March.

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The text filed by the United States and E3 (United Kingdom, France and Germany) is the first reprimand against Iran in the UN body since June 2020.

In a joint statement, the four countries binati the results of the vote and urged Iran to comply with legal obligations.

The resolution was approved by 30 members of the Board of Governors meeting in Vienna, which only Russia and China voted against, according to two diplomats interviewed by AFP. Three countries also abstained (India, Libya and Pakistan).

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett welcomed a major decision exposing the true face of Iranseeing there a warning sign.

The document urges Iran to cooperate including the IAEA, which lamented in a recent report the lack of responses technically convincing about traces of enriched uranium found at three undeclared sites.

Of symbolic importance at this stage, the resolution could be a prelude to conveying the dispute to the UN Security Council, which has been given the power to impose sanctions.

Tehran will consider other measures

Iran has no hidden nuclear activities or unreported sitessaid on Wednesday Mohammad Eslami, head of the Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (AEIO), accusing Westerners of wanting maintain maximum pressure with this resolution Politics.

Even before the vote, Iran disconnected throughout the day many cameras sa nuclear sites of the country, according to a press release from the IAEO.

Today, competent authorities have been instructed to cut off the agency’s online enrichment monitors (OLEM) and flow meter camerashe clarified.

However, the Iranian organization added that over 80% of the agency’s current cameras operate under a backup agreement and will continue to work as before.

Its spokesman Behrouz Kamalvandi, who visited a site to witness the stop of the cameras, warned that the other steps are considered.

This gesture is very sorry at counter productivityresponse of a spokesman for American diplomacy interviewed by the AFP. Iran’s response should be full cooperation with the IAEA, not to further develop its nuclear activities and reduce transparency.

Since January 2016, UN police have been verifying and monitoring the implementation of promises made by Iran under the agreement concluded last year in Vienna with major powers.

The agreement, known in English by its acronym JCPOA, gave the Islamic Republic sanctions in exchange for restrictions on its nuclear program.

But Washington withdrew from the agreement in 2018 under Donald Trump’s presidency, judging the text inadequate, and reinstated economic sanctions against Tehran, which in response has gradually freed itself from its promises.

Dead end

The current president of America, Joe Biden, who is in favor of the JCPOA, began negotiations in April 2021 in Vienna between E3, Russia and China to try to relaunch it, but seems more focused on failure. The United States does not directly participate.

During debates before the Board of Governors, London, Paris and Berlin denounced an advanced nuclear program like never before and activities no credible civil justification.

According to the latest IAEA estimate, Iran will soon accumulate enough 60% enriched uranium to produce a bomb.

And Tehran, which denies any military intent, has informed the agency of its intention to further expand its enrichment capacities at the Natanz site, in the heart of the country, according to information from the IAEA presented to the Council on Wednesday.

France Media Agency

Source: Radio-Canada

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