RFI Dom and Bruno case: activists protest in Brussels and MEP denounces Bolsonaro’s smear campaign 16.06.2022 15:52

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The murder of British journalist Dom Phillips and Brazilian native Bruno Pereira also caused outrage in the European Parliament and protests in Brussels. Anna Cavazzini, vice-president and vice-president of the Green Party’s European executive mission in Brazil, said the deaths were “terrible news”, confirming the plight of environmental and human rights activists working in Brazil.

“My deepest condolences to their families and friends. The Brazilian authorities should immediately investigate the background of these murders and bring those responsible to justice,” the member of parliament said Thursday (16).

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Cavazzini emphasized that “in addition to the repeal of environmental and human rights legislation in the country, these killings are also the result of defamation of human and environmental rights activists promoted by President Bolsonaro.” According to him, “the current and future Brazilian government should do everything possible to ensure better protection of human rights, environmental and climate activists in the future.”

Earlier, a delegation from APIB (Articulation of Indigenous Peoples of Brazil) protested outside the European Parliament building in Brussels, demanding answers regarding the disappearance of the journalist and the native in Vale do Javari. Activists from the Extinction Rebellion movement were also present at the protest.

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Hanging simulation in the square

Carrying posters with the faces of Dom Phillips and Bruno Pereira, some activists wore overalls that read “Climate crime scene”, while others simulated hanging in a square.

Earlier this week, indigenous leaders from Brazil attended several meetings in the European Parliament. They stressed the importance of strong anti-deforestation legislation that respects the international rights of indigenous peoples and includes guidelines and sanctions for traceability of indigenous peoples. goods in all Brazilian biomes. Europe is debating the adoption of deforestation law.

The delegation consists of APIB’s administrative coordinators Dinamam Tuxá, Eunice Kerexu and Kretã Kaingang, APIB’s legal coordinator Eloy Terena and local leaders Crisanto Rudzo Tseremey’wa, Edilena Krikati and Cassimiro Tapeba.

Complaints on European soil

Brussels has been the scene of numerous visits from Brazilian indigenous leaders who want the European Union to participate in their struggle. Last month, indigenous leader Maria Leusa Kaba Munduruku was in Belgium to denounce mining companies and announce that they are responsible for harming indigenous groups and destroying the world’s most important rainforest. Munduruku tried to persuade European bloc lawmakers to strengthen the proposals to hold them accountable.

“I came to Europe to denounce this and to tell people who buy gold that it comes from indigenous blood and they are responsible for it,” Munduruku told the Politico news site. They are the perpetrators of the violence in Brazil,” he said.

Last February, the European Commission published a proposal with new rules to hold companies doing business in the European Union accountable for human rights abuses in their supply chains. The initiative is also considering giving victims the right to sue for compensation. The proposal is still being debated in the European Parliament.

Leticia Fonseca-Sourander

06/16/2022 15:52updated on 06/16/2022 16:50

source: Noticias

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