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Yeimi Rivera, “The Spider Girl”: what are the keys to the case of pornovengenza

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Yeimi Rivera,

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Yeimi Rivera, “The Spider Girl”: what are the keys to the revenge porn case. Photo: Web

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It all started with a fake news. However, and beyond, the true story of Yeimi Rivera once again made headlines and focused on a topic as painful as it is worrying: the “revenge porn” in the days of social networks.

The alleged suicide of the girl has triggered, once again, a strong debate on the actions of the users of the different platforms and of the Lack of limits when it comes to viralizing content.

1-Who is Yeimi Rivera?

Yeimi Riverathat the networks baptized as “The Spider Girl”is a young Colombian woman who made herself known – according to some sites – in 2020 because sex tape leaked of her and her former partner.

At the time the clip was made, he only had 14 years and of course, never consented for the publication of images.

The video of Yeimi Rivera with her ex boyfriend was released without her consent.  Photo: Web

The video of Yeimi Rivera with her ex boyfriend was released without her consent. Photo: Web

There was explicit content in the video. And, because of the sexual position in which she was recorded having intimate intercourse with her boyfriend at the time, the younger has earned the nickname of “The Spider Girl”.

As usually happens in this type of situation, taking into account the type of content, the video is fast It went viral at the time. And it did it again on June 21, 2022, after the fake news of his death exploded like wildfire on the web.

2-How is Yeimi Rivera today?

Since the recording came back to light, Yeimi is not feeling well. and is looked after by loved ones. In this sense, the sister, who became the spokesperson, had the task of clarifying that the girl was not dead.

According to reports from her family, the child – who is not clear if she is confined to the banana area of ​​Colombia or Mexico – is going through a delicate situation of depression and stress.

3-Is “Spider Girl” dead? Chronicle of a fake news

It all started on June 21, 2022. As had happened just over a year earlier, Yeimi’s name started circulating again.

But this time, accompanied by a post stating that the girl committed suicide by posting images from her banned video. Quick, the hashtag “Spider Girl” turned viral on Twitter.

The fake news of his death was accompanied by a photo of an Ecuadorian girl (right).  Photo: Web

The fake news of his death was accompanied by a photo of an Ecuadorian girl (right). Photo: Web

The fake news it gained strength in several Latin American media, in which it abounded videos and messages with regrets before Yeimi’s alleged death and also circulated other clips with intimate sexual content Taken from the original video.

4-Who was the photo that was published next to the false announcement of his death?

Such was the strength of the theme, that several sites and portals echoed and reported on Yeimi’s death, although they did so with a Photo which did not come from the young Colombian, but from Nicole Larreateguia young woman of Ecuadorian nationality who died of various causes.

To clarify the matter, Nafi Lateaguerrisister of the girl in the photographs, indicated that it is a unfortunate crossroads of stories and that her relative has nothing to do with the “Spider Girl” video that went viral on social media.

“Friends, please report this as false. Respect our loss. My family is devastated.”published Larreategui’s sister, the young Ecuadorian who He passed away some time ago from a stroke..

5-What is revenge porn?

According to the National Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, this concept defines the non-consensual dissemination of intimate images or videos in social networks, instant messaging services and any type of social media where information is shared.

Revenge porn is the dissemination of sexual content without the consent of the other person.  It usually occurs between couples and former partners.  Photo: Web

Revenge porn is the dissemination of sexual content without the consent of the other person. It usually occurs between couples and former partners. Photo: Web

The penal code considers that art revenge porn as a type of extortion. It is worth remembering that this is a “popular” but incorrect concept as speaking of “revenge” implies guilt on the part of the victim.

Who do it? Typically, after breakups or love fights, one of the members of the couple publicly disseminates intimate material without the consent of the other with intention to harm. The offense today includes a penalty of up to 8 years of imprisonment.

Source: Clarin

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