Home World News Elections in France: electoral campaign closes and abstention promises to be big star on Sunday

Elections in France: electoral campaign closes and abstention promises to be big star on Sunday

Elections in France: electoral campaign closes and abstention promises to be big star on Sunday

Elections in France: electoral campaign closes and abstention promises to be big star on Sunday

selfie. Emmanuel Macron posed with a member of his party La República en Marcha. Photo: AfP

In a climate of apathy in the election, Fearing a nuclear attack from Ukraine and huge concerns about the cost of living generated by the war, France’s electoral campaign for the presidential election will end this Friday.

The electoral truce for the first round of French elections will begin on Sunday where for the first time a poll has given the winner to xenophobic and populist Marine Le Pen by a small margin. A historic abstentionwho manages to not balance all the predictions, can be Star of the Sun.before the ballot.

According to a survey by the Odoxa Institute, the 27.5 percent of French may not show up in the polls. A figure close to the record 28.4 percent in 2002, which brought National Front leader Jean Marie Le Pen to the second round. A “republican vote” on the ballot won Jacques Chirac the election, with large street protests against the National Front.

But this phenomenon is an irreplaceable legend in France. Marine Le Pen is not as scary as his father as society went to the right, the left melted away and the manifestos of the old communists were adopted by Marine Le Pen.

Disruptive abstention

This abstention restless to analysts, to candidates, who launch themselves with the most painful message, to overcome a voter who feels the crisis of political representation and is interested in elections.

This will be the unexpected element of Sunday and the threat, the hardest to determine in every election. ”But this time don’t vote it was an act of protest, a symbol ”, explained Frederici Dabi, general opinion director at Ifop. A frustration of right and left in the performance of their candidates.

This is the case of conservatives against the candidacy of Valerie Pecresse Republicans, caught up in Marine Le Pen’s xenophobic and anti-immigrant discourse Eric Zemouragainst Islam.

His subjects left with the others. Another case is the socialist Anne Hidalgopunished for his work as mayor of Paris.

the socialist party on the brink of extinction. They are already talking about refounding it after the election. Jean Luc Melenchon hopes, along with his France Rebellious, to collect the votes of those who did not dare to vote for Le Pen but did not want to vote for Macron.

minimalist campaign

In the war in Ukraine, President Emmanuel Macron was content with a minimalist campaign. He decided to close his companion an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien and your readers. Macron attacked Marine Le Pen and his “lying social program”.

“Marine Le Pen has an extremely brutal and racist program,” he alerted readers who asked him. “You can’t afford it. It has a program that puts small savers and retirees with small pensions at risk. It is not true when he says: ‘we will increase pensions’ ”.

Election poster with photo of candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon.  Photo;  Bloomberg

Election poster with photo of candidate Jean-Luc Melenchon. Photo; Bloomberg

“When he says he’s going to lower VAT and block prices, he’s lying to people. If he does this measure, he’s putting us all in the red,” Macron said.

“The debate has trivialized Marine Le Pen’s speech because she has a formidable campaign manager: Eric Zemmour,” Macron denounced, referring to the ultra-racist and anti-Muslim candidate, whom she has weakened. He is more extremist than Le Pen and was able to turn it into a demon.

Macron acknowledged that there is “democratic fatigue”, People don’t want to vote. “I haven’t seen so many purchases made,” he admitted, before the French mechanism allowing not to vote in person.

“You have already voted. It allows things to change, ”he said.

Marine and Putin

The war was discussed with the readers. “I argued for hours. That is my duty, ”Macron said to explain his talks with Vladimir Putin.

“He has not been complacent with Putin.” “It didn’t happen to Madame Le Pen, that relying financially on Mr Putin and his lifestyle and always being attentive to him. But it is my duty to talk to him ”, admitted the French president, who was criticized for these talks. “By talking to him and President Zelensky, we can help the negotiations,” he said.

Marine of Perpignan

Marine closes the Perpignan Exhibition Center (Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Even 3,000 people are waiting in the big hangar, all ages combined, many young people, including a couple with a chihuahua on their lap.

At the stands, families waved their flags without any pretense of enthusiasm. Soon, they were shouting “We are home!” Marine Le Pen’s last meeting before the first round of presidential elections.

The great stage was put towards the back, with a giant M and its slogan at the end of the campaign: “If people vote, people win.” Three days before the first round, he sought to mobilize his troops. Know what benefit from good voting dynamics while intentions to vote in favor of Macron seemed to loosen up a bit.

But abstention can suffer, on Sunday, as regions, such as municipalities, when their voters, more so than other parties, abstain from polls.

“Mobilize, start, I appeal to you, our country needs you, our dear country,” he claimed.

Then grandiloquent: “The big night cannot happen without you, history cannot be written without you. With solemnity, with insistence, I conjure you to go vote. No result is achieved until you have voted. You will continue developing your themes. ” : national priority, anti-elite: all in power, all failed. In French I’m asking … what if we try something else? “

voter apathy

The last hours of the great battle. Emmanuel Macron He is considered pro-Russian Marine Le Pen and a champion of anti-Semitism, as he retaliated against a far right threatening his re-election.

The fire “disaster for France” and urges him to expose his manifesto, “dangerous and incoherent.”

“The basics of the extreme right have always been the same: attack and rejection of the Republic, a base of anti-Semitism, very clear xenophobia and extreme right-wing behavior,” Macron attacks.

But the reality is that in these indifferent elections, President Emmanuel Macron has lost his status as a favorite in the elections, which are imminent.

In the most recent poll, Macron led with 27 percent of the vote against Le Pen on the 23rd. Rather than demonize, the president’s decision will show how ugly he is with his proposals.

Le Pen’s decision to ban the Muslim headscarf divides France, as does the fine he wants to impose on those who wear it.

Macron linked him to Putin on his Twitter: “Marine Putin” he called him, with two superimposed images. Le Pen denied the invasion of Ukraine but did not accept that Russian forces were responsible for the atrocities committed in Ukraine. For him, Vladimir Putin is not a dictator but a democratically elected leader. If he wins, he will be your ally.

Paris, correspondent

Source: Clarin


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