Home World News Bruce Willis reappears after the announcement of his aphasia: how is he now

Bruce Willis reappears after the announcement of his aphasia: how is he now

Bruce Willis reappears after the announcement of his aphasia: how is he now

Bruce Willis reappears after the announcement of his aphasia: how is he now

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming, at their favorite Instagram Photo spot.

Since Bruce Willis ’diagnosis of aphasia was announced, expectations about his condition have been growing. To break this uncertainty, his wife, Emma Heming recently made a post.

The publication on his Instagram account, according to a note from CNN, included a series of stories of the same, near a river, with his daughter Mabelof 10 years.

Also, in the feed emma along with a photo of her posing with Bruce, in the same place. They were both seen smiling. In the text, they clarified that the stage is their favorite place and the photographer is Mabelthe youngest in the family.

How is Bruce Willis today?

As his family was talking a few days ago, Willis He is undergoing a diagnosis of aphasia. According to a close friend who prefers to keep her identity a secret, her changes in thinking began about five years ago.

As published by Clarín’s Buena Vida site, the Medline Plus site of the National Library of Medicine of the United States “It is a disorder caused by damage to the parts of the brain that control language.. It can be hard to read, write and express what you want to say. “

On the same note, neurologist Alejandro Andersson, director of the Buenos Aires Institute of Neurology, expanded that it is “a change in our ability to speaknot just the ability to pronounce a word, but the ability to understand it, even to have an internal language, because a person thinks with words ”.

Regarding his situation, those close to the actor indicated that he preferred to hide his name, as his surroundings have long known the situation. The Los Angeles Times, too, published that at the last filming he was noticed missing.

The same source indicated that in recent presentations the texts he was supposed to say were dictated to him by a hearing aid – which was shorter – and in police scenes he was replaced twice.

Other publications mention the sheer number of films he has made in recent years. Something that caught my attention and probably because of a decision he made, to be able to materialize personal projects.

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming posted a photo following the actor’s diagnosis announcement Photo Instagram.

Bruce Willis and Emma Heming posted a photo following the actor’s diagnosis announcement Photo Instagram.

The origin of Willis’ aphasia

On the other hand, these days the theory has started to revolve about a possible trigger for this situation.

According to information from the Quever site, close friends of Willis attributes the diagnosis to an accident on the recording set that the actor suffered in 2002.

The incident took place in the filming of Lágrimas del sol -Tears of the Sun was its original title- and prompted him to sue Revolution Studios, one of the companies involved in the making of said fiction.

Bruce Willis was diagnosed with aphasia.  Photo Charles Sykes/AP.

Bruce Willis was diagnosed with aphasia. Photo Charles Sykes/AP.

On that occasion, as Quever’s note narrates, Willis was hit by a “projectile” in the forehead while detonating the pyrotechnics used. That can be attributed to negligence.

From that moment on, he often suffered “severe mental, physical and emotional pain”, according to that note.

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Source: Clarin


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