Home World News Elections in Italy: the right wants a presidential system and the center-left adheres

Elections in Italy: the right wants a presidential system and the center-left adheres

Elections in Italy: the right wants a presidential system and the center-left adheres

Elections in Italy: the right wants a presidential system and the center-left adheres

Former Italian premier, Enrico Letta, leader of the Democratic Party. Photo: Reuters

The election campaign went into action in view of the early political elections on 25 September, in which polls are foreseen a great victory for the center-right parties. Today, after arduous negotiations, the Democratic Party and the Action Movement announced a coalition pact center left.

The rights are more advanced and proposed the main programmatic pointsamong which stands out presidentialism.

Another important event took place during the day. Given the announcements that the resigning government Mario Draghi, which manages the news, could try to privatize the new flag carrier, ITA callwhich replaced Alitalia, the candidate for president of the Council of Ministers of the main “right” party, Giorgia Meloni, issued an alarmed warning to the Prime Minister.

In a statement, Meloni stated that “my wish is that the Prime Minister Draghi refutes the hypothesis acceleration of the sale of ITA to Lufthansa”, The German airline.

The “stop” of Meloni records the first contact, with sparks, between the parties in the electoral campaign and the Draghi government, which will leave the Executive in October to the political forces that will win the elections.

Polls indicate a comfortable victory for the right, which could collect 45-47% of the votes, while the center-left would be under 40%. Giorgia Meloni’s Brothers of Italy are entitled to 24-25% of preferences, 13.5% to Matteo Salvini’s Lega and 8.8% to Silvio Berlusconi’s Forza Italia.

Meloni explains in his appeal that “what made us jump on the chairs is that the sale of Ita would be carried out by the government which has resigned and can only deal with current affairs, and it is not this”. The candidate for president of the Council underlines that «after the elections of 25 September Everything can change and the relaunch of our national airline will be handled by those who govern ”.

He added that “we have made important sacrifices to reduce costs and now we must carefully evaluate the presence of the state in the company and the participation of other shareholders”.

The statement of the leader of the largest and most right-wing of parties of the coalition can cause a hodgepodge in the negotiations. The Ministry of Economy believes that the most interesting of the offers is that of the German group Lufthansa, which offered 850 million euros for 80% of the new Italian flag carrier.

The “accident” agreement

In announcing the agreement of the moderate “left”, the leaders of the Democratic Party (23.8% in the polls) led by Enrico Letta and Carlo Calenda of Acción + Europa (6%), stated that “we recognize ourselves in the methods and action of the government of Mario Draghi, who resigned on July 21 after clashing with various parties of the coalition of national unity.

“The parts that caused his downfall have a great responsibility before the country and Europe ”, reads the agreement.

Both said they give top priority to passing civil rights laws and a law that would grant citizenship more quickly. children born in Italychildren of immigrants.

Letta and Calenda have decided to distribute all single-member associations, which make up 30% of the total seats at stake between deputies and senators, giving 70% to the Democratic Party and 30% to Acción + Europa.

Letta announced that “the relationship between the Democratic Party and the other lists with which we have a fundamental relationship remains strong”. Specialists point out that unless the alliance receive other contributionsa plan to “tie up” the elections or get a number of senators to block right-wing government initiatives will not work.

presidential system

The center-right coalition is quickly preparing its program, in which the proposed constitutional law that establishes a presidential system in Italy stands out.

In Europe there is only one country with a presidential system, that is France. It was planted by General Charles De Gaulle when he was the head of a postwar government. It has given good results.

The system grants most of the powers in the president della Repubblica, who is serving seven years and is now five.

After the election of the President of the Republic with the popular vote, as happened recently, two weeks later, we return to vote in the legislative elections that elect the deputies and senators who give life to a new government, which takes an oath before the President of the Republic the Republic.

Fratelli d’Italia, the far-right party that has the most electoral support, has for years been the promoter of a constitutional law for introduce presidentialism in Italy. Now is the time to propose it, yes, as the numbers show, the right will triumph in the elections on 25 September and Giorgia Meloni, her general secretary, will be elected prime minister.

Rome, correspondent


Source: Clarin


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